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Archived Articles about Career
Filipino Employee Raises Economic Prospects By: Offshoring, Inc.
The explosive growth of business process outsourcing (BPO) has plugged the economy of the Philippines into the global services industry, raising high new hopes about the country's economic prospects. Though foreign companies enjoy cheap labor in the Philippines, Filipinos also enjoy their salaries in the BPO sector compared to lower pay in other Filipino-owned companies.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-13)
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Franchises – Major Returns For Minimum Investment By: Elizabeth Miranda
Putting money into a franchise needs careful thought, especially now when world finances are in a state of uncertainty. Most people, in one way or another, feel the effects of a global downturn and it figures that many will need to be cautious about investing money in new ventures. In spite of this, the necessity bring in income is still a very real one and although some might view it as a risky time (with perceptible international fiscal concerns on everyone’s minds) to commence new businesses, the reverse is true and right now is an advantageous time for new businesses. However, making sensible decisions is imperative.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-12)
View : 262 Times
The Race For H1b Visas: Who Are The Winners? By: Sheila Danzig
Is your company getting ready for the yearly H1B visa race? Are you hoping to enlist enough visas to meet personnel needs?(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-08)
View : 235 Times
Getting A Job At A Radio Station By: Casey Adams
Have you thought about having a career in radio broadcasting?(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-08)
View : 236 Times
Join A Social Networking Website: What Have You Got To Lose? By: Penelope Holiday
Interested in signing up to join a professional social networking website to form some new connections? If so, in would likely behoove you to think about what exactly it is that you want to accomplish with a profile on such a site, be it a professional networking website or a social networking website.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-12-30)
View : 352 Times
Online Free Astrology Anytime Get To Know About Your Future By: astroguruz
Horoscope is the construction of your basic placement of planets at time of birth in a pre-decided format called the birth chart. There are basic differences in techniques in casting birth chart/ horoscope by Indian Vedic, Western, Greek,Chinese System etc. It is this difference which makes the interpretations & predictions different and superior to other systems.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-12-21)
View : 182 Times
Which Is The Best Hybrid Car Today By: Kath Mathews
Saving the environment through less gas emissions from cars have been becoming sort of a sacred statement today. More and more people are voicing out their concerns about saving the environment from deadly gas emissions from vehicles and yet are still buying cars. Well, the convenience a car gives is incomparable, but the damage it brings is astounding. That is why Hybrid Cars have become a viable solution in answering the call for convenient and easy modes of transportation and lessening or eradicating air pollution.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-12-20)
View : 270 Times
Coaching Basketball And Volleyball By: Emma Anya
Coaching Basketball - Having a team that is focused on playing the game of basketball is a slam dunk to building a sport that will enhance one's childhood or youth.
If you are getting ready to coach the game, knowing the fundamentals of the game is where to start. By doing this, you will be able to bring all of the players into fast action.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-12-18)
View : 333 Times
Flight Attendant Training - An Introspection-00-1724 By: Rayner
People in general and ambitious girls in particular love to dream of getting the job of a flight attendant. They tend to look at the opportunity to fly high up in the sky every day with awe(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-12-15)
View : 230 Times
How To Get A Firearms License In Canada By: Andrei Reounov
Most North Americans may have forgotten that on January, 2000 President Bill Clinton proposed new legislation that would have required all American citizens to obtain a federal gun license. American handgun owners were outraged, as well as manufacturers, dealers and more than a few members of the U.S. Congress.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-12-10)
View : 170 Times