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Archived Articles about Social Community
Raise Your Voice Against Animal Abuse By: Halabol Team
Animals are useful to mankind in many ways. Every animal fits into the system of nature. Imagine what would the world be if there were no animals in the jungles, no birds chirping in the morning, no honey bees making honey, no fishes in the ponds, no trees, flowers and fruits.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-07-24)
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The Bible Predicts Global Warming By: Philip Herr
When some Christians hear the words “global warming” they tend to shutter. Do Christians lack understanding and compassion as it relates to environmental issues? What does the Bible have to say about global warming, climate change and the environment. The answer might surprise you.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-07-19)
View : 332 Times
The Devil Made Me Do It By: Philip Herr
Is there really such a thing as “evil,” or do bad things just happen because of unwise, unfortunate, or thoughtless choices made by basically good people? Is there actually a real, thinking evil being working behind the scenes or is that concept simply a baseless legend, inherited residue from primitive ancestral roots? This article examines these and other questions against what is written in the Bible.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-07-19)
View : 343 Times
Should Christians Prepare Or Trust God? By: Philip Herr
Predictions of financial doom and gloom headline many newspapers, magazines, and online articles across our globe. As Christians, should we be concerned about the future? After all, Jesus told us not to worry. Should Christians have complete blind faith that God will take care of us no matter what the future holds or should we take steps to prepare for the future?(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-07-19)
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Is World Peace The Impossible Dream? By: Philip Herr
Wars and rumors of wars are part of our daily lives. World peace seems like an oxymoronic statement.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-07-19)
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Volunteering In India – Get The Best Out Of Your Gap Year By: Leon Thind
Are you planning to visit India in your gap year? Volunteering programs will provide you an excellent opportunity to work for the deprived sections of society and also explore the country. Depending on your interest, you can enroll in any of the volunteering programs.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-07-19)
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The World's Greatest Self-help Book By: Phil Herr
When people are faced with problems in their lives many try to find assistance in self-help books. Interestingly, many of them overlook the world's greatest self-help book. This article will examine answers to 5 specific problems found in this book.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-07-19)
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Are Free Psychic Chat Worth Your Time? By: Rob Swifty
Psychic readings have become an increasingly important part of man's life. There have been so many people who claim to have gained some help from such readings. These have also influenced at lot more to turn to psychics to give them insights on the different aspects of their lives.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-07-19)
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Ngos: The New Face Of Charity In India By: Fts India
We can thus conclude that these NGOs are indispensable instruments for the cause of development in India. The government along with the general public should support them with all they can. A major share of monetary and human presence should come from popular figures of the society.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-07-18)
View : 336 Times
Need Of A Marriage Therapist By: Rosalind Cardia
Do you think that your married life is not working anymore or you need someone to help you out in such situation? Marriage therapist is just the right person to put your trust in. However, it is advisable to consult a skilled and experienced therapist to save your marriage.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-07-18)
View : 313 Times