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Tips Membuat Kulkas Lebih Efisien By: adli manaf
Umumnya kebanyakan orang tidak peduli pada berapa banyak konsumsi energi listrik yang dibutuhkan kulkas, sementara kulkas tidak seperti alat rumah tangga elektronik lainnya, kulkas bekerja sepanjang waktu dengan konsumsi energi listrik sepanjang waktu juga. Pompa yang bekerja mengeluarkan suhu panas dari area kulkas dan menggunakan unit kipas angin untuk melakukan proses pendinginan dan pembekuan tidak dapat berjalan baik jika kulkas tidak dialiri energi listrik. Jika Anda adalah orang yang peduli dengan tagihan listrik rumah Anda, pastikan kulkas Anda lebih efesian dalam konsumsi energi listrik, jika memungkinkan raihlah puncak dari efesiensinya.Artikel ini akan memberikan informasi bagaimana cara membuat kulkas menjadi lebih efisien.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-01-21)
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Sejarah Kulkas 1 By: adli manaf
Apakah Anda ingin mengetahui sejarah kulkas di masa lalu?Artikel ini mengajak Anda untuk meninjau sejarah kulkas sebelum kemunculan kulkas moderen dengan berbagai merek, jenis, dan fitur seperti saat ini.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-01-21)
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Sejarah Kulkas 2 By: adli manaf
Artikel ini akan memaparkan mengenai sejarah kulkas yang kemudian berlanjut ke tahun 1830-an. Hasil kinerja Jacob Perkins yang membuat model pertama kulkas yang diberi nama Ice Making Machine. Kulkas tersebut bekerja dengan kompresi uap yang membawa proses suhu dingin ke seluruh ruangan kulkas. Mesin tersebut dianggap kurang efektif setelah kehadiran model kulkas yang dibuat oleh John Gorrie pada tahun 1855.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-01-21)
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Main Reasons Why You Must Select Quartz Worktops And Granite Worktops By: Lynn Sterba
If you reached here looking for more info. on granite worktops then you really should read this article now!(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-01-21)
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C_tfin52_66, Sap Certified Application Associate - Financial Accounting With Sap Erp 6.0 Ehp6 By: John S. Brown
C_TFIN52_66, SAP Certified Application Associate - Financial Accounting with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP6 is a certification and training program for people who work all over the world.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-01-21)
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Lot-986: Creating Ibm Lotus Notes And Domino 8.5 Applications With Pages And Advanced Techniques By: John S. Brown
LOT-986, Creating IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5 Applications with Pages and Advanced Techniques are for experienced professionals and experts.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-01-21)
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Understanding 100-101, Ccna Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices 1 Exam By: John S. Brown
100-101, CCNA Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices 1 is the exam introduced by Cisco and it is the exam aimed for the certification of CCNA.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-01-21)
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Selling Hp Imaging And Printing Solutions Hp2-b111 By: John S. Brown
Selling HP Imaging and Printing Solutions is one of the most in-demand IT certifications these days. This is a credential that you can use in order to show your proficiency and expertise in Selling HP Imaging and Printing Solutions. Passing the HP2-B111 certification exam is one of the requirements to get this certification.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-01-21)
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Dental Courses: Dental Surgery; Its Basics By: Karen McDonagh
Dentists, like any other medical professional, have a set of requirements that they need to go through in order to become the professionals that they seek. There is the set number of units and the number of years that you need to study. However, dentists usually go through one more year than the standard undergraduate.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-01-21)
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Ivf Future - Economical, High Success Rate, Safer Ivf Treatment By: Ashish Modi
The future of IVF is a bright one. The tools with reproductive endocrinologists at their disposal is increasing the odds of the successful implantation of pre-screened, chromosomally normal embryos and the resulting delivery of healthy babies is gaining success. Newer Art technology is aiming at reducing the cost of IVF cycles and IVF treatment. Three parents ivf can bring lots of revolution in the future of ivf treatment.(read entire article)(posted on: 2014-01-21)
View : 203 Times