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Better To Go Questing Alone    By: alone
You can absorb large amount of damage and prevent others from being attacked. Warriors and paladins can wear mail at lower level and plate after level 40, which provide them with very good armor. Druids can only wear leather or cloth. However, they get Bear Form and Dire Bear Form at level 10 and 40 respectively, which gives them large amount of health and armor bonus (Bear Form is similar to a Warrior in Mail armor, Dire Bear form is similar to(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-02)
View : 368 Times

Tuning Tactics For The Lich King    By: Lich King
"We played the game before the we got world firsts and as our guild became better and better, our goals got higher and higher. It doesn't make or break our cheapest wow goldguild, but everyone has the same goal, to be the first guild that kills the boss."(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-01)
View : 389 Times

A Companion To The Higher Learning Addon    By: addon
It used to be a star trek online credit companion to the sto credits Higher Learning addon which is no longer supported. This addon works best if many people on your server have it installed, because it doesn't remember information after you've logged off.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-01)
View : 374 Times

Warcraft Tycoon's Handbook Review    By: Review
For all my other criticisms of this guide, this section of the guide makes up alot of ground in terms of quality and strategy. By far, this section is the best and most valuable information you will get out of Warcraft Tycoon's Handbook. Some might say this method alone is worth the price of the guide. This method of Auction House monopolization is the best explained I've ever seen, and the most practical and realistic.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-01)
View : 339 Times

Solve Train Games, Treasure Hunt And Other Puzzle Games And Get An Unlimited Dose Of Fun    By: Antonio Bristow
There are numerous puzzle games on the web like train games and train traffic control games which you can play from the comforts of your home.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-01)
View : 300 Times

Blizzard's Real Name Forum Policy, Good Or Bad?    By: Chris Coker
In case you've been living under a rock, or have just been too busy questing, raiding, looting, earning XP and WoW gold, you might have missed the latest little tidbit from the fine folks at Blizzard HQ, a little tidbit that's caused something of a storm in a very large teacup.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-01)
View : 182 Times

Should World Of Warcraft Go Free To Play?    By: Chris Coker
No, I'm not nuts, and I'm certainly not suggesting that Blizzard's seemingly unstoppable massively multiplayer online juggernaut switch from its current lucrative pay to play subscription model, at least not right now.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-01)
View : 120 Times

Enchanting Your Way To More Wow Gold    By: Chris Coker
With the constant demand for Enchanting materials at the Auction House, Enchanters can earn a great deal of WoW gold through a variety of means. They can sell the materials they acquire using their ability to Disenchant items, and they can also choose to go on Trade chat and offer to do enchantments for free or for tips, so long as the customers provide the materials.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-01)
View : 134 Times

Are You Ready For Cataclysm?    By: Chris Coker
The Cataclysm expansion will bring a whole lot of changes to World of Warcraft – changes that will affect your characters and the world of Azeroth as we know it. With that in mind, many WoW players are doing things to ensure that their toons are ready to take on the new challenges that they'll face once the expansion is out.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-01)
View : 123 Times

Wow Account Are Basically Mmorpg    By: Jason Millstein
Thanks to the advent of online games, outdoor games like cricket, tennis, badminton, basketball, which once were a good excuse for kids. Visit http://www.gamewar.com/ for buy world of warcraft accounts, aion account, swtor accounts, age of conan account, warhammer online accounts, warhammer accounts, and warhammer online account.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-07-31)
View : 176 Times

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