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Tankadin Guides By: amelie
Obviously the more health you can have as a tank the better,buy wow gold, however a balancing act comes into play as you need to ensure defensive abilities as well or you will be too hard to heal no matter the amount of health you have.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-05)
View : 374 Times
Top Ten Personalised Gifts From Find Me A Gift By: Jesse Jones
If you're stuck for ideas for this year's Christmas presents, why not take a look at Find Me A Gift's range of personalised gifts?(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-04)
View : 189 Times
I Spy, Some Super Sly Gifts! By: Jesse Jones
Now listen very carefully, we shall only say this once! If you are on a secret gift finding mission to source and locate the best spy gadgets on the gift market, then set your coordinates to entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-04)
View : 177 Times
Searching For A Super Swanky Gift? By: Jesse Jones
If you are looking for a gift that is a little bit different this time around, why not try some novelty gifts from Find Me A Gift.
If you are racking your brains for a gift that isn't just the usual pair of socks, something that is funny and bound to make them laugh whilst not being too hard on the wallet, take a look at our selection of Novelty Gifts; quick, easy and most importantly cheap,(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-04)
View : 192 Times
The Lich King In Quiet Reflection By: reflection
The slumbering vrykul awakened soon after, pouring from the ancient fortress of Utgarde Keep, bent on conquest. The blue Dragon Aspect, Malygos, also emerged from his long seclusion, launching a merciless war against mortal practitioners of arcane magic. This conflict has raised the red dragonflight’s ire and sown widespread chaos.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-04)
View : 355 Times
Hardcore Wow Raiding By: Raiding
That's why it didn't come as a surprise to many fans when Ensidia (Tarren Mill EU) scored the world's first 25 man Lich King kill last Wednesday, following Blood Legion's (Illidan US) 10 man victory (. Although Blood Legion's 10 man kill was nothing to scoff at, the 25 man raid encounter is usually considered the ultimate test of skill, taking into account the small window of time in which these guilds have to learn a brand new boss strategy.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-04)
View : 350 Times
Making Your Wow Accounts Non Vulnerble To Hacking By: Jason Millstein
The world of warcraft is also known as wow. It is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) by Blizzard Entertainment. Visit for buy world of warcraft accounts, aion account, swtor accounts, age of conan account, warhammer online accounts, warhammer accounts, and warhammer online account.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-03)
View : 211 Times
Prevent Your World Of Warcraft Account From Hacking By: Raj Sharma
The world of warcraft is also known as wow. It is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) by Blizzard Entertainment. Visit for buy swtor account, aion accounts, world of warcraft accounts, ffxiv accounts, age of conan accounts, warhammer accounts, warhammer online account, and warhammer account.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-03)
View : 213 Times
The Three Lines Of Class Talents By: amelie
Within each tree, a character can learn talents that make that character more effective in all the abilities and capabilities that fall under the heading of that talent tree. The frost line of talents, for example, enhances a mage's proficiency with frost spells. The warrior's protection talents improve the warrior's taunt and defensive abilities.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-03)
View : 391 Times
Scholomance Strategy Guide By: amelie
The Legplates Legguards of the Chromatic Defier, and the Breastplate of Bloodthirst both require Skin of Shadow, which can be obtained in random buying wow gold spots in Scholo, usually in Illucia Barov's room. The Leggings of Arcana quest requires Frostwhisper's Embalming Fluid (among other things), which of course can be found in Ras Frostwhisper's laboratory.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-03)
View : 434 Times