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Archived Articles about Fitness
Crestor Side Effects By: Alexis Kenne
According to the consumer group Public Citizen, which has repeatedly called for a ban on the drug, the rate of reported kidney problems is about 75 times higher with Crestor than with all other drugs in the same class combined.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-11-10)
View : 303 Times
Learn About Cerebral Palsy By: Joy King
It is a non progressive neuromuscular disorder causing mild to severe disabilities throughout life. This condition is manifested as a group of persisting qualitative motor disorders which appear in young children due to damage to the brain during delivery or due to some pathological conditions in the intrauterine life.
The author Joy King manages a free medical advice online site which is published by Vivienne Balonwu. Here you can get free advice on a wide range of medical conditions to help you understand you doctors explanations when you visit for medical consultations.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-11-10)
View : 245 Times
Detoxification Diets That Fit Your Needs By: Johnny Sogaard
Like a young boy who has recognized a new fun toy, this piece of writing about Detoxification Diets will open up a whole new world of awe and wonder for you.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-11-10)
View : 297 Times
Natural Yeast Infection Treatments - Yeast Infection Question And Answer-00-785 By: SMyers
If you want to know how to treat a yeast infection so that you don't have repeated yeast infections and use a natural cure for yeast infection instead of over the counter drugs, you MUST read Sarah Summer's guide on the 12 Hour Natural Cure for Yeast Infection here.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-11-10)
View : 272 Times
See How Memory Foam Pillows Can Help You Sleep Better-00-786 By: AnthonyMaxwellpapp
If you're troubled with lack of sleep at night it could just be the result of not good enough pillow. Using not the right type of pillows can bring about sleeping badly. Awkwardly pillowed head and neck is sure to be uncomfortable and also unhealthy . Sleeping in a wrong position will make it difficult for you to fall asleep and even harder to retain sleep for a longer period.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-11-10)
View : 216 Times
Women, Don't Fear The Muscles! By: Derek Cladek
The myth that weight training will get women bulky is diminishing. Learn how lifting weights can sculpt a women's body and not be bulky.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-11-10)
View : 198 Times
Snoring? Why You Must See Your Doctor Fast.-00-765 By: AnthonyMaxwellpapp
Snoring is very bothersome, and in several instances it is a health-altering problem. Snoring is a nauseating palaver for a none snoring partner, who in most cases sees snoring as plain lack of self control on the part of the snorer, but in most cases it is really a sign of a serious health problem. There are also cases in which snoring happens due to an unhealthy lifestyle. One may also be snoring due to not fault of there own, so when you encounter snoring do not let frustration and anger stop you from helping the snorer. Remember that they are not aware of the problem since they snore while asleep. Get them to go see your family doctor to first check and confirm that no serious health condition is causing snoring, and to also advise you on the proper medical solution to snoring(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-11-09)
View : 219 Times
Chronic Yeast Infection Cures And Treatments-00-767 By: SMyers
Did you know that chronic yeast infection cures are mostly natural remedies? I bet you did not know either that when you have yeast infection, it saps your energy, may make you gain weight and puts toxins in your blood? You also probably don’t know that it hinders your mind and the way you think because all you can think of is the pain and the itching.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-11-09)
View : 282 Times
Fat Loss Nutrition By: Alexis Kenne
Fat loss nutrition is everywhere you look today. What kind of Fat loss nutrition diets should you use? Fat loss nutrition is much better than Fat loss pills. Eating many fruits and vegetables will help you slim down.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-11-09)
View : 291 Times
Some Aerobic Workouts Which Can Help You Lose Weight By: Jimmy Chuang
Step aerobics. Alongside with tune and a small step, like a basic box strong enough to carry your weight, you can follow some traditional patterns for step aerobics. It's like a regular aerobics lesson, only, you will have to exert more effort in moving up and moving down the elevated stand. This will be a lot more appealing than merely ascending a flight of stairs.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-11-09)
View : 244 Times