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Archived Articles about Debt
Balance Transfers And Your Credit Score By: Elliot Spalding
Are you attempting to get out of debt? Balance transfers are commonly used to do this, but what is the effect on your credit score. And do they work?(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-02-16)
View : 218 Times
Don't Jump Into A Bunkruptcy Without Considering An Unsecured Debt Consolidation Loan By: Frank Froggatt
Nobody needs to get wind or even entertain the word bankruptcy, but for some individuals who are overwhelmed under a weight of debt, they may think that it is their sole alternative. The truth of the matter is that there are options to this drastic step.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-02-14)
View : 263 Times
Board Up Tucson, Arizona By: Leo Nov
Many people are in jeopardy of losing their homes and many have driven by homes already boarded up. Economic times have been hard across the country and particularly felt in Tucson, Arizona. A cooling housing market may be good news for buyers, but homeowners facing debt issues may be more likely to find themselves in foreclosure.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-02-13)
View : 257 Times
Wipe Out Debt With A Cash Out Fha Refinance Loan By: Spencer Llewellyn
With interest rates at their current levels, now is the right time to wipe away your high interest debt to get a clean beginning or pay for other expenses such as medical debt, home improvement, student loans or any other major expenses that you need paid.
Spencer is an FHA Mortgage Specialist. See more information about an Cash Out FHA Refinance Loans and FHA Mortgage Programs at Visit Save with a Cash Out FHA Refinance Loan.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-02-13)
View : 182 Times
Should You Consider The Advantage Of Debt Consolidation? By: Nicholas Hunt
Millions of people worldwide are now looking for the best way to handle their debt problems. Debt consolidation is one option, but is it always appropriate?(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-02-12)
View : 231 Times
Have Debt Problems - Quit Spending By: Nicholas Hunt
Millions of people are having to face up to the fact that their debts are becoming a problem. Before the issue can be dealt with, one thing has to change - casual spending has to stop.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-02-12)
View : 272 Times
Debt Relief – Using Debt Consolidation Loans For Your Need By: WAN MOHD HIRWANI WAN HUSSAIN
Then you would sure begging up for some solution to help you get rid of them as soon as it can be. The purpose of this article is want to show you about the total of the credit score that you can get from the debt consolidation loan.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-02-10)
View : 230 Times
Eliminate Your Debt Stress Today By: Susanna Berlatsky
Our economy runs on debt. Without debt our economy would collapse. But debt can create extreme stress and anxiety if you owe a great deal and are having difficulty paying it back.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-02-03)
View : 218 Times
Can A Credit Card Rebuild Your Credit Rating? By: Michael Strauss
Credit cards are often cited as causes of a poor credit rating because of unpaid debts. However, the opposite can be the case as well - responsible use of a card can actually raise your credit score.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-02-03)
View : 313 Times
Home Improvements Loans Are A Bad Idea By: Lawrence Roberts
Most homeowners do not save money for major improvements and required maintenance, and these homeowners often take out home equity lines of credit as a method of mortgage equity withdrawal to fund home improvement projects. The logic here is that renovations improve the property so an increase in property value offsets the additional debt. This is a bad idea.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-02-01)
View : 226 Times