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Archived Articles about Debt
Doorstep Loan With No Credit Check - Simple Finance With Easy Approval! By: Kirthy Shetty
Most of the borrowers today are in debt, it would be unwise to reject a candidate’s loan application based on his credit report. All lending companies will have to close down, as they will not find a single borrower with clean credits.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-07-31)
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Why Briter Days Debt Relief Is Changing Lives By: D Domm
Credit debt has greatly increased in the last decade or two. Defaults have increased leading to economic disaster to those involved.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-07-28)
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Villa Rumors Still Going Strong - The Next Of The Fc Barcelona Signings? By: Jamie Hanson
Valencia on the other hand, would of course hate to loose a player as important as Villa but it is worth keeping in mind that the club battled serious financial problems during the last season and there were rumors about the club selling a large amount of players just to cover up for their debts. It’s probably safe to say that Valencia was hoping that Villa would be one of the hottest players on the transfer market this summer and that several clubs all over Europe would be trying to outbid each other in order to get him.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-07-28)
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Five Tips For Credit Collections By: Sarah James
In this time of recession and tight credit markets collecting company debts on time has become even more important. One of the biggest problems that many companies are having is cash flow, this is where very good credit control staff are worth there weight in the provable gold.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-07-22)
View : 227 Times
Payday Loan Guaranteed - 100% Approval! By: Kirthy Shetty
You must be planning for the dream vacation, paying the medical bills or any other major bills, arranging a small party, debt consolidation and so on. Whatever your needs are you can’t wait for long to realize your needs.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-07-22)
View : 318 Times
Debt Negotiation Settlement Is A Win-win Situation By: Sunil Punjabi
Negotiate debt if you are thinking about bankruptcy due to bad loan repayment. Debt negotiation settlement is a situation that benefits all the parties especially when the account is going to be delinquent. Filing bankruptcy is not good news for both the debtor and the creditor, as both stand to loose in the process. There are specialized individuals or companies who take up the role of a mediator and ensure that the two parties come to an agreement that is suitable for both.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-07-20)
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Debt Negotiation Settlement Is An Important Tool Of Negotiating Debt By: Sunil Punjabi
There are various options those are available if you are actively negotiating debt. You could do it yourself or through a negotiator. To achieve some degree of control on your debt you must look at either one time settlement or relaxed payment terms. Remember, lot of homework is done before the actual negotiations. The truth is that the situation has to be created for effective debt negotiation settlement.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-07-20)
View : 264 Times
Loan Spiraling Out Of Control, Negotiating Debt May Be The Only Answer By: Sunil Punjabi
If you have already, spent considerable amount of time and energy, pondering over numerous options of tidying up the debt mess, and you are still unable to see light at the end of the tunnel, the glimmer of hope for many in such a situation is credit debt negotiation. Filing for bankruptcy will forever put a blot on your financial standings, besides many other social stigmas associated with such an act. So take control on your loan by negotiating debt, and if you cannot do it yourself get professional help.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-07-20)
View : 267 Times
What Part Time Jobs At Home Can Do For You? By: Eric Senechal
How would you like to have a new sport car or a muscle car or even a big truck? Are you the type of person who thinks outside the box? Some people would prefer a new big house that has been designed by you with all the room that you would like the way you would like them. For me and my spouse we love to travel. We want to travel down south to the Bahamas or Los Vegas etc. Would you like to do this type of vacation? I know a lot of people that just want to get out of debt.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-07-19)
View : 292 Times
Calculator Financial By: Rheza Sulaiman
These special types of loan calculators can be found on the websites of a finance company who offer specific services like mortgages, car loans, financial aid and others. There have been latest improvements in calculators chiefly those used in calculating interest rates of different financiers. Many people use an online calculator when they have to borrow money, for either a car, boat or a mortgage.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-07-17)
View : 322 Times