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Archived Articles about Debt
Negotiating Debt Is The Help You Need In Bad Debt Situation By: Sunil Punajbi
Debt Negotiation may be defined as a system, which attempts to bridge the relationship that has broken down between the debtor and creditor. The art of Debt Negotiation is truly to ensure the utmost extent of compliance by the debtor without diminishing the interests of the creditor, through a new plan of repayment.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-07)
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Credit Card Debt Negotiation Is An Important Facet In Managing Bad Debts By: Sunil Punajbi
Though credit cards have become an integral part of our daily spending habits, however upon closer scrutiny it appears that it has become the biggest bane as well. Credit card debts rank highest in all forms of outstanding debts for most American households. Credit card debt negotiation hence forms a very important tool to most American citizens who are finding it increasingly difficult to match up to the repayment schedules that they had earlier agreed to, particularly now with the current economic scenarios.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-07)
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Credit Card Debt Negotiation Assistance Helps You Control Debt Better And Faster By: Sunil Punjabi
With the plastic money coming in very easy, so has the evil of debt. In addition, the fact that everyone seems to be offering you a credit card for every reason and season. The spending habits have really not helped either. Finally, with the economic slow down these three aspects have choked most American households. Very few have been able to get out of the strangle hold of debt due to credit cards. With special programs like credit card debt negotiation, many can now look at some semblance of control over their debt which was gaining monstrous proportions.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-07)
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Get Set And Go For Debt Consolidation Loan By: The author is from Auto loan industry.
This article is totally based on debt consolidation benefits and wonderful way of handling your debt. It’s sounds good, but how is it possible. How can high interest loans repaid at low interest. You could minimize your multiple debts into a single loan with low interest rates.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-01)
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Credit Card Debt Forms A Major Component Of Debt Negotiation By: Sunil Punjabi
Today the most important form of debt that any household has in America is credit card debt. With credit cards freely available and credits being offered in every possible way to every possible person without a thorough check on the credit worthiness, the problem has touched millions in America alone. So when we are talking Debt negotiation, credit card debt negotiation forms an integral and most important aspect of this discussion.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-01)
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Effective Solution To Financial Borrowing Mismanagement …debt Negotiation By: Sunil Punjabi
In the present scenario, default on financial borrowings by individuals is on the rise. Due to the meltdown of the economy, layoff notices is becoming routine news. An option between the lender and the borrower is debt negotiation to tide over the impossible debt situation. The borrower should be honest to him self and figure out how much debt can he cleared off. After proper homework on the financial front and a little professional help, the individual should negotiate debt to effectively deal with the loan situation.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-01)
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Credit Debt Negotiation Is The Answer To Many Bad Debts By: Sunil Punjabi
Simply pondering over what the next day would bring up wouldn't help, in case you wish to control your debt situation. Credit debt negotiation is your tool to find solace in this torrid time of economic downturn and pressing creditors. So buckle up and take the bull by the horn. Most of the times it does help. With a strong discipline and professional help you should see it through to the finish line through a good debt negotiation settlement plan.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-01)
View : 265 Times
Get Cash By Selling Your Gold Jewellery By: Lucy Brown
Selling gold jewellery is becoming another way to earn some extra cash in these troubled times. Right now the UK is in a recession for the first time in 16 years. The interest on UK government debt is forecasted to more than double by 2013.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-08-28)
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How To Manage And Get Out Of Debt By: Alex Carlson
Managing your debt is probably the hardest thing to do. In order to control your debt you should only buy things that you have the money for at that point in time. Meaning if you want a purchase a new couch instead of putting it on a credit card or getting a loan for it. You should save until you have the full amount to purchase it.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-08-28)
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Got Debt? Easy Ways To Make Life Easier! By: Alex Carlson
Saving money in such a tight economy can be tough. Getting out of debt can be even harder. With so many businesses laying off employees, people have become more aware of their finances and are looking for ways to pay off their credit cards and live cheaper. Here are a few ways to lighten the load of financial stress.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-08-28)
View : 411 Times