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Archived Articles about Debt
Could Your Debt Cost You Your Home? By: Martin Sumner
The repossession of your home is the ultimate nightmare for people struggling with debts, but the good news is it's not an easy process to force through and is rarer than you may think. Find out the stages involved and how you can stop it happening to...(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-06-15)
View : 391 Times
Make Sure You Control Your Spending By: James Hunaban
It has been widely reported that spending in the USA is out of control! American consumers are more than $600 billion in credit card debt alone.
James Hunaban is the owner of - - a site full of
(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-06-05)
View : 243 Times
Budget Benefits By: James Hunaban
There Is nothing quite like the feeling when you start to strike off bills from your expense list each month. Paying off consumer debt; confronting long-running loans; and saving for something special, can all assist in building your self-confidence and(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-06-05)
View : 286 Times
Don't Let Your Debts Spiral Out Of Control By: Martin Sumner
Debt problems can seem overwhelming and impossible to confront, but it's only by acting positively that we can start to solve them. Find out how you can fight back against your debts.(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-04-17)
View : 419 Times
The First Step Toward Living Debt Free By: Andy Weaver
All of us incur debts from time to time. It is normal to purchase items on account and pay for them at a later date. The point where we run into trouble is when we overextend ourselves and owe our...(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-03-30)
View : 346 Times
Why We're So Deeply In Debt By: Martin Sumner
Financial experts have long warned that personal debt is a timebomb waiting to go off. How did we get into so much debt?(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-01-31)
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Strategies For Coping With Your Debts By: Martin Sumner
Being in debt can seem overwhelming, but there ARE ways of coping. This article gives brief details of some of the most popular debt strategies, helping you to decide which way forward is right for you.(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-01-05)
View : 391 Times
Credit Cards: Why You Should Pay More Than The Minimum By: Michael Strauss
Credit cards are a great convenience, but it can be all to easy to let your debt slide out of control. Making only the minimuum repayments will make the situation worse, and this article explains why.(read entire article)(posted on: 2006-12-12)
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The Downsides To Debt Consolidation By: Michael Strauss
Debt consolidation is often portrayed as a simple way out of your debt troubles and money worries, but when is life ever that simple? There are drawbacks to consolidation that you need to bear in mind before making your decision to continue.(read entire article)(posted on: 2006-11-29)
View : 393 Times
Debt Collection-facts Vs Force By: Mike William
The title 'debt collector' is self explanatory and clearly states what such a person does. If you owe money to a lender and there has been a delay in payments over the past few months the...(read entire article)(posted on: 2006-11-17)
View : 423 Times