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Archived Articles about Debt
When Your Home's Value Is Less Than The Mortgage By: Wildfire Marketing Group Content Distribution Team
For a variety of reasons, it is possible that the total debt on your home may be more than what the home is worth. Most of the time, this isn't a problem because time is the solution. Depending on how much you owe, just wait it out and the value of your(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-07-12)
View : 400 Times
Unsecured Loans For Tenants - Advantages Of Consolidating Your Debt By: Carol Jameson
When you're credit is all over the place and you're paying high interest rates for your credit card use, debt consolidation is for many, the obvious choice. This article looks at what's involved.
Carol Jameson is Finance Guru for entire article)(posted on: 2007-07-10)
View : 227 Times
Using The Snowball Effect To Eliminate Your Debt By: Martin Sumner
There are many methods you can use to legitimately reduce your debt, but one of the most effective is the so-called snowball effect. Find out what it is and why it's so powerful.(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-07-04)
View : 414 Times
Federal Loan Consolidation By: Joseph Wachter
You have certainly heard of old fairy tales where a fairy or god comes to rescue. So if you are a student with a huge debt and wishing that you were the character of that fairy tale where someone would come to your rescue, you need not go to that fairy(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-07-03)
View : 208 Times
Debt Consolidation Explained For The Rest Of Us By: Stewart Cole
We've all seen the commercials touting that you can consolidate your debt, get out of debt, and have just one payment. To some people this doesn't mean much, however, when you...(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-06-23)
View : 642 Times
Harassing Creditors - What Can You Do? By: Stewart Cole
When the harassing creditor phone calls keep coming and the mail is full of past due debt bills, it may feel like you don't know where to turn or what can be done. Threats of lawsuits or seizure...(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-06-23)
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A Look At Bad Credit Consolidation Loans By: James Hunaban
The meaning of good credit is where you get credit and then use it responsibly. This means paying your debts when they are due and keeping your burden of debt on the low side. The meaning of bad credit means doing precisely the opposite.(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-06-22)
View : 300 Times
Play The 0% Credit Card Game And Win! By: Jim DeSantis
If you use credit cards properly, they can be your most powerful financial tool. But, mishandled, they can be draining your fun money. By borrowing smart, you can Play the 0% Credit Card Game and Win!(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-06-21)
View : 459 Times
Can You Tithe Your Way Out Of Debt? By: Jim DeSantis
Churches and religious non-profits need money for outreach. A main source of this money is from "tithing", that is, convincing people to give at least 10% of their earnings to their outreach. One way they do this is by promising that tithing can erase the(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-06-20)
View : 424 Times
When Do You Really Need Credit Cards? By: Peter Kenny
Although credit cards can cause debt and other problems, for most people they are a necessity for everyday life, and are required for them to live their life properly
Peter Kenny is a writer for The Thrifty Scot...(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-06-17)
View : 237 Times