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Archived Articles about Debt
Secured Consolidation Loans - Useful But Not Perfect By: Michael Strauss
Secured loans are often presented as the ideal answer to all sorts of financial problems. Unfortunately, while they can be extremely useful, they also have dangers which need serious consideration.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-28)
View : 259 Times
Bankruptcy Is Not The End Of Your World By: Geoff Morris
If you are in a potential bankrupt state, don’t fear it as a terrible disaster, Get to know what exactly is involved, so you are prepared to take to plunge if need be – and move on with your life. They may take your money but they can’t take your life.
Geoff Morris is no stranger to risk-taking, or extricating himself from many tight financial situations. Take a peek at some of his real life solutions on actual debt relief at entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-27)
View : 211 Times
Bad Credit Debt Consolidation, How To Start By: Geoff Morris
Have you ever had that feeling that you are on a vicious downward spiral of debt, and don’t know how to escape… Well, here is your escape route.
Geoff Morris is no stranger to risk-taking, or extricating himself from many tight financial situations. Take a peek at some of his real life solutions on actual debt relief at entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-26)
View : 209 Times
Be Proactive In Protecting Your Credit Identity By: Denise Richardson
We all like to think we are in control of our own lives. We feel confident that our unique identities, reputations, and even our credit scores are completely governed by our own actions. That perception is a myth that can get you in serious trouble. What if your reputation or financial status was threatened by an inaccurate credit score caused by erroneously reported information? Or if your personal information was stolen by an identity thief who hacked into someone else's computer without your knowledge? If identity theft protection isn't a part of your life, how will you even know if this has happened?
Denise Richardson is an author, freelance writer and advocate who educates the public on identity theft protection, identity theft prevention and credit reporting issues. She is a Board member of American Consumer Credit Education Support Services, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public on credit matters. She is founder of .(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-26)
View : 412 Times
Don’t Agonize About Debts Hire Debt Collection Company By: kiranseo
A collection agency is an organization that arranges recovery of bad debt for an organization or an individual for a small remuneration. One reason most businesses use collection agencies are because collection agencies have a reputation of recovering bad debts faster.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-25)
View : 288 Times
What You Should Know About Getting Debt Help By: Michael Strauss
Levels of debt are reaching epic proportions. Why is this, and what can you do to get yourself out of trouble?(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-20)
View : 233 Times
Cross-border Debt Restructurings:innovative Approaches For Creditors, Corporates And Sovereigns By: Bharat Book Bureau
Workouts are increasingly becoming a global reality and this book brings together 23 senior specialists from across the globe to provide a comprehensive discussion of out-of-court debt restructurings (a.k.a. workouts).(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-12)
View : 267 Times
The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act Of 2007-what You Need To Know By: Grant Eckert
"When the country runs out of money", legendary comedian W.C. Fields once told a reporter, "then we'll just have to print some more".(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-10)
View : 204 Times
Remove Bad Credit With Consolidation By: Elijah James
Credit card debt consolidation is for anyone who finds it difficult to pay minimum payments or who is having trouble paying other bills. Combining all bills will make it easier to remember to pay the bills. This helps when trying to budget all other bills.
For more in-dept information on credit card debt consolidation, visit CC Debt Consolidation.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-09)
View : 211 Times
Bad Credit Consolidation Loan By: Geoff Morris
Have you got yourself in an impossible situation financially, and do not know where to turn? Do not fear bankruptcy, consider it as an option, and if you need to, take that option with pride...
Geoff Morris is an Internet Entrepreneur who quit his corporate job many years
ago, and is no stranger to risk-taking, or examining
how to fix bad credit. Take a peek at some of his real life solutions on actual debt relief at entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-04)
View : 204 Times