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Archived Articles about Debt
How Can A Mom Pay Off Credit Card Debt With Credit Card Debt? By: Pablo Terreros
Ever noticed that babies are expensive? The process almost guarantees that you end up in some credit card debt. You know you need to pay it off, but did you know that additional credit card debt can be the fastest way to become debt free?
Are you excited about getting your credit card debt paid off? If so, we'd like to help you. Download our stay at home mom's business opportunity eBook for FREE when you visit our website at If you would like to schedule an interview, call Pablo at (863) 658-4045.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-07-07)
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Debt Reduction Can Be Easier Than You Think By: Alisdair Cosgrove
Getting into debt used to be a pretty easy proposition. With endless credit card offers falling through the door every day. Newspapers are full of adverts for cheap car loans, and then there are always those department store offers to buy a flat screen TV in 24 easy monthly payments.
Alisdair Cosgrove is an expert in the field of personal finance in the UK and has been writing articles on the web for
many years and can find more of his
work at, offering debt relief and also great
tips on consolidation loans. Visit today to read more of Alisdair's great articles.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-07-07)
View : 335 Times
Find The Right Commercial Debt Collection Firm To Recover Your Type Of Debt By: The author is one content provider
For those businesses that are owed a substantial amount of money in debt from other company’s, one way to recover this debt fast and effectively is by hiring a commercial debt collection agency. A commercial debt collection agency can help almost all types of businesses recover debt from companies that are experiencing financial difficulties, reorganizing or just plain stubborn. However, when choosing a commercial debt collection company, there are a few things to consider in order maximizing your choice? Here are some tips.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-07-02)
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Store Card Use Increasing As Mortgage Gets Paid On Switch By: Maria Tillinghous
To stay out of the red, buyers are paying with cash and using store cards more often than they did before. Department stores like M&S and Debenhams have noted an increase in cash and store card transactions. Credit card usage is definitely on the decline in stores, and it is suspected that customers are beginning to use them to pay for household expenses such as utility bills and rent payments.
Maria is a occassional writer writing about financial issues, whilst working on Vanquis Credit Card - Visa for people with adverse credit histories.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-07-02)
View : 238 Times
Economic Changes Can Be Aided By Bad Credit Loans By: zack Fair
Bad credit loans are available to people in a variety of situations. People are not perfect and they can make financial mistakes due to misuse of credit or just because they have run into hard times in their life. Bad credit loans are also becoming a more popular route for people looking to get out of debt or get a footing on their debt due to the economy(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-07-01)
View : 317 Times
Debt Help: Rising Debt Alarm By: David Wilson
"A variety of recent studies show that Americans' debt is rising alarmingly. The debt-counseling, nonprofit organization, of Rockville, Md., says its average new client now has 11.3 credit cards, compared to 8.1 last year. The clients' debts rose from an average of $52,210 in 2002 to $77,036 this year."(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-06-30)
View : 283 Times
Budgets And Motivation... What You Should Know By: David Wilson
Budgeting is the first step in debt reduction but motivation must be constant. If you ever wanted to get ahead financially; if you ever thought you wanted to get out from under a sea of debt; if you ever wondered where the money went; you need a budget! But how do you develop a good budget and how do you stick with it. This is what you need to know.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-06-30)
View : 241 Times
America’s Debt Diet… By: David Wilson
America—it is time to get rid of your debt! Financial experts David Bach, Jean Chatzky and Glinda Bridgforth offer their step-by-step action plan to help set you on the path to financial freedom.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-06-30)
View : 297 Times
Build Credit - How To Build Credit - Why It Is Important To Build Credit By: David Wilson
Getting credit can be one of life’s Catch-22’s: it is hard to get credit if you don’t already have it, and if you already have it then you don’t need it. Young people and those who have never borrowed need to build credit over time so that they can qualify for larger loans when needed(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-06-30)
View : 289 Times
Ignoring Debt Problems Doesn't Make Them Better By: Nicholas Hunt
The natural reaction when facing serious debt problems is to avoid dealing with them because of the stresses they cause. This is the worst course of action to take, as ignored debt troubles will only get worse.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-06-25)
View : 930 Times