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Archived Articles about Debt
What You Need To Know About Probate By: Nicole Anderson
In case a person has debts, these assets are transferred to the creditors as well for clearing off the debts. If there is one such executor, then the probate process will be carried out under his supervision. The executor or the administrator has to justify the validity of the will in the probate court. All heirs and beneficiaries will be notified of proceedings and the court will start probate process. Sometimes, probate process may not be required and the assets will be divided among the beneficiaries without intervention of court.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-07-17)
View : 212 Times
Pay Down Your Debt With Power Payments By: Chad Sunyich
When it comes to eliminating debt and managing cash flow, the Power Payment principle works whether you are paying one extra payment per year or following a comprehensive cash flow management program. Although the results will vary, the principle remains the same: The more money that is paid directly to principal, the more powerful is the effect of lowering the total amount of interest you’ll pay.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-07-14)
View : 258 Times
Low Credit Score Mortgage By: niteen mehendale
Adjustable rate mortgages can increase you chance of getting a low credit score mortgage. At the onset, adjustable rate mortgages give out low rates.
Visit these links to know more about bad credit mortgage - mortgage financing us home loans us and mortgage loan in anchorage alaska.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-07-14)
View : 262 Times
3 Important Planning Steps Before Working With A Divorce Lawyer By: John Cavers
There are 3 steps that you can take to make the process of working with a divorce lawyer more expedient and cost effective.
John Cavers is an assistant for Shannon Cavers, a divorce lawyer in Houston. Shannon’s latest article on divorce and debt discusses
the challenges related to debt and the divorce process. Shannon also stays busy as the primary writer of a Houston Family Attorney Blog discussing legal issues in family law.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-07-13)
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An Introduction To Collection And Debt Recovery By: The author is one content provider
Most people cringe when they hear the words, collection agency. If you are the person who owes money on an unpaid debt, you probably aren't too thrilled to receive a phone call from one. However, if you are the creditor trying to collect on what is owed to you, a collection agency can become a valuable alliance.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-07-12)
View : 237 Times
How To Budget By: Samantha Asher
Do you feel like you're always broke? Are your paychecks gone as soon as you get them? Are you in debt that you can't handle? Find out how budgeting can save your financial life!
Do you wonder where your money goes? Don’t let your poor spending habits ruin your life! If you want to learn more about budgeting and how budgeting can help you build wealth and financial security, go to entire article)(posted on: 2008-07-09)
View : 226 Times
Bad Debt The Global Problem By: Maria Tillinghous
Most of us have heard varying accounts of debt consolidation, while some promote consolidation as a simple and effective means of debt relief, others give terrifying accounts of increased debt and ultimate financial disaster. Neither extreme is likely to be true in your situation, and it is possible that debt consolidation could be a good way to handle your debt. A debt consolidation program may or may not be a good solution for you, depending on the amount and type of debt, and your current earnings.
Maria is a freelance journalist writing about loans at eComparison.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-07-08)
View : 291 Times
On The Road To Debt: Signs And Symptoms By: Rama Charan
Typically, debt doesn’t just happen overnight. In most cases, it’s the result of consistent bad spending practices. The sooner you recognize these practices, the better off you’ll be. Here are some practices that should raise the red flag:(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-07-07)
View : 250 Times
Extreme Debt Collectors: Know Your Rights By: Rama Charan
If you’ve ever been behind in paying your bills and they’ve been turned over to a debt collector, you can relate to how stressful it can be. There are certain things the debt collectors can and cannot do that you should know about.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-07-07)
View : 264 Times
High Car Payments Can Drive You Over The Edge By: Rama Charan
Many people in debt counseling can trace the beginning of their debt problems to a new car purchase—too much car, big monthly payment, and financed too long. Some households even have two vehicles with large payments in the $400 to $500 range. “But I got a really great deal†is typically the line of thinking. With the budget maxed out, one can see how this burden can inevitably lead to a financial crisis.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-07-07)
View : 216 Times