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Archived Articles about Debt
What Are Some Other Means Of Consolidating Debt By: Alisdair Cosgrove
If you have some interest in pursuing debt consolidation as a means to alleviate your debt, then you might start looking at the different methods to see which one will be the best fit. There are any number of debt consolidation available these days. For this article, six key examples should be enough to get you started.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-16)
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Credit Help By: Wittenhaque
Credit help is a legal process used by both people in debt and their creditors to negotiate a settlement of an existing legal debt.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-15)
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Debt Help By: Wittenhaque
Debt help is a legal process used by both people in debt and their creditors to negotiate a settlement of an existing legal debt.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-15)
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Debt Settlement By: Wittenhaque
Debt settlement is a legal process used by both people in debt and their creditors to negotiate a settlement of an existing legal debt. Any person owing any type of debt has the legal right to negotiate with the creditors, however this practice takes time to master and certain skills to get the maximum benefits.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-15)
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Four Steps To Achieve A Credit Card Debt-free By: J.J. Yong
Most college students know of the affliction of getting into serious debt. It is apparently unavoidable given the high costs of tuition and it can be extremely costly for those who are living very far from their house for the first time and they have to be responsible with the payments of rent, utilities, and their daily expenses.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-15)
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Changing Your Financial Destiny By: Elisheva Wiriaatmadja
Watching all the news on TV or reading news articles on the internet nowadays gets you all nervous and worried. The whole global financial crisis draws a dark future prediction in your personal finances. Being deep in debt and probably out of job also, it is very easy to lose hope and give up, thinking to yourself that you are never meant to be in a better shape financially. But this is really where you are wrong. You have the power to change your destiny!(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-15)
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Planning Debt Consolidation Effectively By: Martin Sumner
In these times of widespread financial problems, debt consolidation is often promoted as a solution. If you don't do it properly though, it can make matters much worse. So what do you need to know to plan a consolidation program in the right way?(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-15)
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Consolidate Your Student Loan Debt By: Alisdair Cosgrove
Student loan debt consolidation is the most efficient yet most underrated way to deal with the problem of accumulated student debts. Many students are not informed of the benefits of student loan debt consolidation, even though they are saddled with heavy debt loads and the costs of higher education keep rising.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-14)
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Your Kids' First Credit Card Leads Them To Heavy Debt - How Do You Talk To Them? By: J.J. Yong
Most college students know of the affliction of getting into serious debt. It is apparently unavoidable given the high costs of tuition and it can be extremely costly for those who are living very far from their house for the first time and they have to be responsible with the payments of rent, utilities, and their daily expenses.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-14)
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Subprime Containment Theory Was A Lie By: Lawrence Roberts
Conventional wisdom (or market spin) was that the risk of default from subprime would not spill over into Alt-A and Prime loans. This argument was made because these two categories have historically had low default rates. Of course, this argument ignored the "liar loans" taken out by those with higher credit scores, the unmanageable debt-to-income ratios, and payment resets for interest-only and Option ARM loans which were also given to the Alt-A and Prime crowd. Historically, this group had not defaulted because they have not been widely exposed to these loan types.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-13)
View : 219 Times