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Archived Articles on Beauty
How Versatile Are Hair Extensions? By: Carolyn Clayton
Hair Extensions have grown to such a popularity that most celebrities are rarely seen without them. Hair Extensions are however not just limited to celebrities anymore, pretty much anyone can wear hair extensions provided they get the right type for their hair condition.
Helen Cox is the web master of Inanch, home of all your Hair Extension needs.
Please feel free to republish this article providing this resource box remains intact with a working hyperlink to our site.(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-12-11)
View : 273 Times
8 Secrets On How To Remove Acne Scars By: Darren W.
There are several ways on removing acne scars. The appearance of acne starts during puberty when the body actively produces hormones that causes too much sebum in the skin.
Author is the webmaster of Acne Treatment and Acne Skin Care. Download Free Acne Ebook here.(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-12-09)
View : 332 Times
Hair Extensions – Questions And Answers By: Carolyn Clayton
One of the most common worries people have when it comes to hair extensions is if people will be able to tell if they are wearing them. Provided you choose a style and colour that matches your own hair, the extensions will look very natural and no one will know except you. However if you are opting for a fun temporary look for a party then of course people will be able to tell but in this instance that is the idea.
Helen Cox is the web master of Inanch; experts in all your Hair Extension needs.
Please feel free to republish this article providing this resource box remains intact with a working hyperlink to our site.(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-12-07)
View : 290 Times
Visiting A Hair Salon By: Jene Pedder
Visiting a hair salon can be a very scary and daunting task for some people girls and boys, women and men.
Jene Pedder is the Webmaster of Inanch Hair Design who are based in London and specialise in Hair Straightening.(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-12-07)
View : 252 Times
The Top Ten Tanning Lotions In Usa By: Robert Thomson
Getting confused about which tanning lotion to buy? Calm down! Find out which are the top tanning lotions in the market and from there, choose the ones you find ideal for you.
Robert Thomson is the owner of a tanning lotion site where he writes tanning bed lotion reviews and shares his tips how to buy tanning lotions for less.(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-12-07)
View : 242 Times
Hair Extensions – The New You By: Carolyn Clayton
We all feel like a change once in a while when it comes to our hair, whether you want a new cut, colour or shape we all experiment with our hair at some point in our life. If you are looking for a new style why not consider hair extensions?
Helen Cox is the web master of Inanch, home of all your Hair Extension needs.
Please feel free to republish this article providing this resource box remains intact with a working hyperlink to our site.(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-12-06)
View : 290 Times
10 Tips On How To Cure Back Acne By: Darren W.
There are several ways on how to cure back acne. Bacne – a short term for back acne is just like any ordinary forms of acne. It can appear as pimples, blackheads, pustules or in severe cases it would look like an acne cyst.
Author is the webmaster of Acne Treatment and Acne Skin Care. Download Free Acne Ebook here.(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-12-04)
View : 3467 Times
Hair Extensions For Your Big Day By: Jene Pedder
Are you worrying about what hairstyle to have for your wedding day? You may short hair and know it won’t grow in time for the style you want or even you just want longer hair to drape nicely over your shoulders and back if so Hair Extensions may be your lifesaver.
Jene Pedder is the Webmaster of Inanch who specialize in Hair Extensions.(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-11-30)
View : 243 Times
Why Are Celtic Tattoos So Popular By: Derek Cladek
The celtic tattoo came from Ireland, the home of the celtic people. Many people love the design of the celtic tattoo and is the reason why to choose to get them.
Be sure you research your next tattoo design so that you don't misrepresent yourself just because you have no idea what a tattoo means. Celtic tattoos are a great example of this. Most people might get a tattoo just for the look of it, but there are also meanings that surround different styles and designs of a tattoo.(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-11-30)
View : 235 Times
How To Solve Anti Aging Skin Care Treatment And Skin Aging Treatment By: Dr. Kaplan
kapalanmd LIP 20 is the first complete, dermatologist-formulated lip treatment created to moisturize, contour, plump and contains 10 active ingredients to prevent all 3 types of skin aging treatment(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-11-29)
View : 111 Times