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Archived Articles on Beauty
Obagi Skin Care Products: Following In Footsteps By: Kacy Suther
From as far back as Ancient Egypt, women have been searching for ways to pamper their face. Skin care concerns were high on the list of necessities for women, from basic beauty to luxury, and this value still holds true today.
Written by Kacy Suther. Facial skin care products including Obagi skin care products online. Face skin care plus body products from Hawaii medical spa including body lotion, shampoo, bath crystals, lip balm, soap: .(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-09-13)
View : 334 Times
Be Careful When You Dye Your Hair By: Dave Roth
If you want to dye your hair, you have to make sure to do it the right way.
Elizabeth Roth owns a hair care products site that offers free beauty tips. In addition to advice, the site offers salon shampoos, styling products, and Redken Hair Products. For more information, visit her site today.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-09-12)
View : 259 Times
Natural Beauty On A Budget - No-cost And Low-cost Techniques For Beautiful Skin By: Dee Braun
In Parts 1 and 2 of Natural Beauty on a Budget we discussed nutrition, attitude and body dry skin brushing and detox baths. In this, the final segment, we discuss simple, inexpensive, safe and effective ways to keep your face looking young and beautiful.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-09-11)
View : 119 Times
The Best Acne Treatments By: Johnny Sogaard
Like a young girl who has discovered a new exciting plaything, this article about acne treatments will present a whole new world of excitement and wonder for you.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-09-10)
View : 342 Times
No More Double-takes - Naturally Taking Care Of A Double-chin Takes Years Off Your Appearance By: Dee Braun
We all hate that double-chin that creeps up on is in mid-life....but, is there anything (besides surgery) we can do about it? Facial exercises can help that double-chin challenge and should be done once a day. This is a regimen which can be continued for life, or you can scale back to three times a(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-09-10)
View : 102 Times
Top Unique Characteristics Of Baroque Pearls By: Tina Ko
Baroque pearls are mostly irregular in shape, appearing rough in contour, asymmetrical and not round. Baroque pearls are grown from saltwater and freshwater shells. The article describes the unique characteristics of baroque pearls.
For more types and shapes of baroque pearls, freshwater pearls, pearl necklace, pearl earrings and other pearl jewelry, visit YouPearl Jewelry at entire article)(posted on: 2008-09-09)
View : 177 Times
The Science Of Beauty In The Bath - Using Bath Oils By: Dee Braun
Unlike perfumes, body and bath products have until fairly recent years always been considered an 'indulgence' - a bit of a luxury. However, things have now changed and most women tend to use them on a regular basis.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-09-07)
View : 81 Times
The Science Of Beauty In The Bath - Application Of Body Scrubs And Soaps By: Dondrea Braun
Using specially formulated body scrubs and soaps is one way to deal with several skin and body conditions. Be sure to stay away from scrubs and soaps which contain harsh chemicals, acids or mineral oil (also called parrafin) as these can be drying and even damaging to your skin.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-09-06)
View : 82 Times
The Science Of Beauty In The Bath - Special Bath Recipes By: Dee Braun
On occasion it is beneficial to take time to relax in a soothing special bath and smooth the skin. This article provides natural recipes, herbs and oils to add to the bath to enhance softness and keep your skin healthy and beautiful.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-09-06)
View : 84 Times
Plastic Surgery Loans Make It Affordable For All By: Steven Norris
Hollywood glamorizes the ideal smile, the perfect face and the perfect body. Look thinner, be shinier and feel happier it tells us. The media knows exactly how to bend and break you until your self-consciousness is at dizzying lows. Usually at this point, you stare at yourself in the mirror and start to consider the options. I need plastic surgery, you think, but how can I afford it? Thankfully, if you are considering Cosmetic surgery, there are now loans available to assist you in being the person you have always imagined yourself to be. Now anyone can have the funds for cosmetic surgery.
Adam has been considering a plastic surgery loan and came across some interesting plastic surgery websites.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-09-02)
View : 168 Times