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Archived Articles on Beauty
How Do You Get Those Pearly Whites?! By: Jason Edwards
There are several touch-ups that are compulsory for professional photographs of models and having pearly white tooth is one of them. How can the standard person not want to have pearly white teeth again!(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-07)
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Choosing A Perfect Baby Boy Gift By: bestgiftforbaby
Family members and friends start dancing with joy on hearing news of birth of a baby boy. Everybody gets excited and likes to shower love and affection on the new born by presenting beautiful baby boy gifts.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-07)
View : 104 Times
This Christmas 45% Discount On All Sunglasses And Eyeglasses By: Ajay Rawat
Celebrate this Christmas with 45% Discount on all designer sunglasses and eyeglasses at Hurry! Offer valid till 30th December only. All our designer sunglasses are 100% authentic and come with warranty papers, cases and original packaging.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-07)
View : 136 Times
Laser Tooth Whitening Equals Happier More Confident You By: Jason Edwards
A bright white smile says "healthy", and admit it, people with beautiful white teeth somehow even look happier.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-06)
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A Needing Smile Gained With Tooth Whitening Treatments By: Jason Edwards
To get back to such a smile, it is still probable to get your teeth whitened whenever needed. Benefits of such teeth whitening are quite substantial and many people would like to have them.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-06)
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Buy Diet Pills To Help Treat Cholesterol By: Marketing department
The best way to lower bad (LDL) cholesterol is through healthy eating, routine exercise, and perhaps a regimen of cholesterol lowering medication. If you are overweight or obese, however, you'll find that you have a harder time accomplishing the first two of these requirements.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-06)
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White Smile Brightens The Face To Look Younger By: Jason Edwards
Typically the teeth are stained by everyday stains like coffee, tea, curry, blackcurrant and gravy to name a few but the good news is that many people act in response very positively to the treatment and the staining can be removed and whiten your teeth by as much as 6-8 shades.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-04)
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Iwc Aquatimer Replica Is Perfect Gift For The Diving Enthusiast By: Jennifer commits to supplying Replica watches from the top quality,at the cheapest prices, providing the best service and satisfaction available!(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-04)
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The Latest In Bio Ionic Technology Presents Bio Ionic Iron By: Alice Brooks
Humans have always strove for creativity and innovation. Science has been a tool that humans have always used to make life easier for the entire race. After the basic needs were taken care of, humans moved onto other creative ideas and created stuff that could be used for, say, beautification. Women, the fairer sex, have greatly benefited from this creativity.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-04)
View : 276 Times
Teeth Whitening How It Works! By: Jason Edwards
There are other factors, like what you eat and drink, the density of the teeth, how porous they are, and so on. Still, most people will have significantly whiter teeth in just one treatment. It can last up to two years or so, but again, this is affected by what people eat and drink.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-12-04)
View : 179 Times