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Archived Articles on Beauty
Home Treatment For Scarring By: autor
Most people have a scar or two, mementos from an adventurous childhood, or from acne during puberty. There are many different types of scars and they can be anywhere on the body. Scars are patches of skin that develop where the normal dermis (skin) has been damaged. Depending on the extent of the injury, scars can be barely visible or quite prominent.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-05-27)
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Think You Can’t Launch Your Invention During A Recession? Think Again! By: Joan Lefkowitz
Inventive products have been in the news a lot lately... they seem to be some of the only things that sell well in a recession, besides chocolate, lipstick, pepto-bismal, and canned beans. Read this article to learn what all the media buzz is about. Gaining an insight into consumer psychology can he(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-05-27)
View : 141 Times
How To Get Your Consumer Invention To Market By: Joan Lefkowitz
So you have an idea for an invention? What do you do now? The most successful hair accessory in history, the TopsyTail, made 100 million dollars. This did not happen by miracle or chance. The key was a well-conceived and executed plan. Following an informed approach will help you turn your invention(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-05-27)
View : 145 Times
Famous Hair Accessories-the Women Inventors Behind Them By: Joan Lefkowitz
The personal stories of the women inventors behind the TopsyTail, Hairdini, FanTail, and Whirl-a-Style. How did they get into such a unique business? What traits drive their success?(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-05-27)
View : 129 Times
Where Are We Heading? By: STEPHANIE
We offer you the best and most reliable Replica Watches available on today's marketplace bar none. With a classic look and a great inventory of Cartier Replica Watches to choose from, you may have difficulty going with just one!(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-05-27)
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Low-fat And Happy By: STEPHANIE
If you are looking to add a great wristwatch to your collection, our Replica Watches are surely the way to go.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-05-27)
View : 332 Times
Naturally Fortify Your Skin, Hair, Nails, And Lashes For A Healthy Summer Glow By: Ethan Luke
If you love being in outdoors in the summer, you will want to protect your skin, hair, nails, and lashes against the harmful effects of the sun. Compliment your diet with phytophanere, a dietary supplement that provides all the nourishing vitamins, essential fatty acids and antioxidants needed to promote healthy hair growth, strengthen nails, illuminate skin, and fortify lashes.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-05-27)
View : 119 Times
How Sunscreen Really Works: Tips To Save Your Skin By: Ethan Luke
Sunscreen labels can be misleading, so it helps to understand how your sunscreen really works to protect you. When choosing a sunscreen this summer, find something that protects your skin from the harmful effects of both UVA and UVB light.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-05-27)
View : 113 Times
Acne Anti-aging Skin Care Products For Teenagers By: Ethan Luke
Ready to fight acne? SkinMedica, a leading brand in evolving anti-aging skin care products, can equip you with their patented Acne System to fight off persistent pimples and irritating acne break-outs. You can find SkinMedica’s Complete Acne Solution and other anti-aging skin care products mentioned above at entire article)(posted on: 2010-05-27)
View : 454 Times
Abdominal Scar Treatment By: autor
Abdominal scars occur for a number of reasons. Surgeries, accidents, or even rapid stretching of the skin can lead to scarring. Appendectomies, c-sections, and gallbladder removals can all lead to lifelong scars that might make the patient feel uncomfortable in his or her own body. Scarring from accidents can be a painful reminder of the injury.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-05-26)
View : 306 Times