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Archived Articles on Beauty
Southern Africa Diamond Offshelf-00-7151 By: canadaone
Republic of South Africa territory contains a large amount of commercial deposits of diamonds and other gemstones are being developed right now or has been developed earlier in four administrative areas:, Orange Republic, Cape Province and in Small Namaqualand.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-03)
View : 201 Times
Is It Really Possible To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks? By: autor
Is It Really Possible To Get Rid of Stretch Marks?
It really is possible to get rid of unsightly stretch marks? The advice you get from the internet, your girlfriends or your mother is yes, maybe and no, respectively. Well now there is a solution and it is InvisiScarâ„¢, a silicon gel solution available in a patch, or sheets, that when used according to instructions, can greatly reduce the appearance of stretch marks located anywhere on the body.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-03)
View : 202 Times
Acne Pitted Scar Treatment By: autor
While acne scars are common, pitted scars can be particularly distressing. They leave deep holes, or ‘pits’ in the skin which tend to be quite obvious. Sufferers are always on the lookout for a good acne pitted scar treatment. Some people try natural methods while others may turn to skin specialists for the latest in skin treatment technology.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-03)
View : 237 Times
Evidence Based Scar Treatment By: autor
The internet has given us unheard of access to every kind of information imaginable. This access has turned many of us into quasi-experts on a wide variety of subjects. This holds true for those of us with the unfortunate luck to suffer from unsightly scars. Instead of relying on the latest infomercial or trying to decipher the complicated ingredients in many popular scar treatments, we can turn to the internet to find evidence based scar treatment that will actually work.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-03)
View : 190 Times
Diamond And Platinum Wedding Collections By: Mark Fisher
Buy your diamond with real experience and with your own view. It is really a silly decision to choose a diamond after reading about it.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-02)
View : 186 Times
A Little Pampering By: Styan Williams
Tired after a long hard day at work? Your feet are aching and you just want to go to bed. You take a hasty shower and jump in with the warm soft pillows. And then, as the silk sheet rubs against your feet, there is a horrible sensation. What is it? Crusty dead skin rubbing against the material. You look down and see all those little bumps on your tired feet. You think about a pedicure.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-02)
View : 384 Times
Beautiful Nails, Beautiful You By: When you are styling someone, the maximum focus of
When you are styling someone, the maximum focus of attention remains on his/her clothes, shoes, apparels, makeup, hairdo etc. Sometimes, stylists tend to overlook the person’s fingernails, toenails etc. Chipped nails, nails caked with dirt, unshaped nails are some of the problems that tend to get overlooked.
Nail pushers, used to shorten the nails by pushing a little bit and nail nippers useful for removing dead, thick skin etc in various shapes, designs and colors are also available in the market. They’re durable and of excellent quality manicure and pedicure tools which are a must-have for any stylist.
These products must be sterilized properly before using to ensure maximum safety. Many guidelines are available online to find out about cleaning and maintaining procedures. The contact information for companies manufacturing and selling these products can also be obtained online.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-02)
View : 404 Times
Teeth Whitening The Age Rewinder By: Jay Edwards
Bright smiles often become a reminiscence of the past due to age, coffee, or tea. However, there are many teeth whitening techniques available today to bring back your pearly whites.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-02)
View : 190 Times
4 Basic Skin Care Needs--step 1 By: lilysa
There's tried-and-true ways to properly care for your skin, from the right way to cleanse your face, to the best moisturizers and sunscreens. All the process have 4 steps. Today introduce step one.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-01)
View : 246 Times
The Discovery In 1725 Of A New Source Of Diamonds-00-7101 By: tate
The discovery in 1725 of a new source of diamonds in Brazil was to have a profound effect on jewelry of the 18th century. The increased availability of diamonds and the innovations in stone-cutting led to greater prominence for stones, and the mounts of stone-set jewelry became more frail(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-07-30)
View : 205 Times