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Archived Articles about Technology, Gadget and Science
Streaming In Flash By: autor
When most people think of Macromedia Flash, they think of cute or funny animation clips and online computer games and applications. Although this is what Flash is primarily used for, it can be also be used to stream live video. In fact, the best way to broadcast your animated or live action videos online is by using Macromedia Flash.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-13)
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The Manufacture Of Glass Ball Lenses By: Styan Williams
A few years ago, and most definitely, a few decades ago, people might have laughed if they had found out that the manufacture of glass balls was considered to be an industry by itself, although the applications of glass balls, and precision glass balls in various industries had already been documented by then. But thanks to the widespread increase in human necessities, the huge human demand and supply chain has made possible the development of industries that specialize in the making of precision glass balls.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-13)
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Mini Spy Camera- Code Of Innocent Fun By: John Smith
The ever changing technology provides us mortals opportunities galore. We are spoilt with innumerable choices. The hunger for more is such that we are never satisfied with anything in life.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-12)
View : 155 Times
High Capacity Hanging Scale By: autor
The high capacity hanging scale is used in industrial settings, often within the manufacturing industries. However, they may also be found in shipping, agriculture, or aerospace industries. For high-capacity jobs, these scales are also sometimes referred to as "crane scales."(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-12)
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Portable Commercial Scale By: autor
A portable commercial scale is a measuring tool used to determine the total mass, or weight of an object. Typically used in commercial settings, they are also portable – meaning they are small enough to be easily moved from point to point. These scales can be used for a wide variety of commercial purposes.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-12)
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Ways To Find Online Ipod Repair Companies And Selling Your Used Ipod By: Adair Sawyer
The iPod is a fantastic gadget available from Apple and boasts many proud owners worldwide.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-11)
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Why Pay As You Go Deals Are Extremely Popular ? By: Michael George
These days, Pay as you go deals are simply a rage. They provide the customers with the added advantage of using latest mobile phones through affordable mobile plans which suit their budget while enabling them to stay in touch with people as per their conveniences(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-11)
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Guidelines For Choosing The Best Mobile Deals By: Michael George
With most consumers flooded with varied mobile deals and offers, it is but natural to get confused as to which is the most advantageous mobile deal as per their requirements. We give you a brief overview of the mobile deals are available and how to go about choosing the most affordable and suitable mobile deal.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-11)
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Why Choose A Professional For Cell Phone Repair And For Buying Cell Phone Accessories? By: Adair Sawyer
Cell phone repair is such a common job that we don’t even think twice before handing over our phone to any and every technician. Cell phones have now become incredibly cheap to buy and even when there is something wrong despite the repair, we don’t bother because we can buy another cell phone next day.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-11)
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Buy Used Electronics And Sell Used Electronics And Get Great Deals By: Adair Sawyer
Electronics items are one of the highest selling in the country. It is simply impossible to survive without electronics items. We need TVs, the microwave, the refrigerator, the dishwasher – you name it and it is required.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-08-11)
View : 340 Times