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Archived Articles about Technology, Gadget and Science
Eyepartner Launches The Channel Manager At Tikilive! Content Management Tool By: autor
Eyepartner, a company specializing in software development and content hosting, is pleased to announce the launch of Channel Manager Module. This module makes it easy for all broadcasters to create pseudo-live broadcasts of content from various different sources.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-27)
View : 184 Times
Buy Playstation 3 Slim Or Stay With The Old Playstation 3 By: by burhan
Search and Reviews about Buy PlayStation 3 Slim Or Stay With The Old PlayStation 3. Read up the info about buy Buy PlayStation 3 Slim Or Stay With The Old PlayStation 3. Do not spend any money for buy Buy PlayStation 3 Slim Or Stay With The Old PlayStation 3 until you read this!(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-27)
View : 944 Times
The Playstation And It’s Game Controller By: by burhan
Here's essential information on the playstation and it’s game controller. We have the best resources for the playstation and it’s game controller. Check it out for yourself!(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-27)
View : 238 Times
Xbox 360 Console With 250 Gb By: by burhan
Ask questions about xbox 360 console with 250 gb here! We can help you find the best xbox 360 console with 250 gb information for free.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-27)
View : 277 Times
Xbox 360 Wireless Controller By: by burhan
Top rated xbox 360 wireless controller reviews and tips. Everything you want to know about xbox 360 wireless controller is here!(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-27)
View : 250 Times
Technology’s Mighty Strides By: Here are some of the most amazing ways in which ho
Here are some of the most amazing ways in which home entertainment has improved –
VCRs through to DVD/Blu-Ray
Anyone who is old enough will be sure to have fond memories of their very first VCR! For many of us, our initial video recorder would have been a hulking great ‘top-loader’. However, you have to remember; this was ‘state of the art’ stuff at the time!
Ugly they may have been, but that did not stop them from being magical. All of a sudden we had the ability to ‘pause’ a programme, ‘fast-forward’ through naff soap-powder adverts or ‘record’ the late-night film if we had to get up early for work. Wow! Now this was living!!!
Little did we know what joys were to come in the years ahead. Anyone who has only grown up during a time of DVDs will think we must have been mad...
ZX81 through to Home PCs
Okay, so most of us thought that the ZX81 was pretty crap (even in its heyday), but it was still ‘cutting edge tech’ back in 1981...
However, things certainly got a lot more exciting when the ZX Spectrum was introduced! Good old Sir Clive, we knew he’d come through in the end!!! (I know, let’s just not mention that C5 idea...)
And of course, it didn’t stop there. We had the Commodore 64, the Atari ST and the Amiga 500. Oooo, heady times indeed!
Up until the advent of home PCs and the internet that is...
Magnavox through to Nintendo Wii
Any child of the seventies will remember this hellish sound. Yes, it was the sheer wonder of a Magnavox video game system (complete with one channel audio capabilities)! How on earth did we ever get so excited about it????
Mind you, the Atari 2600 was a whole different kettle of fish and it still has a tremendous amount of Retro appeal!
But since the old wooden-cased Atari wound down, it’s all gone a bit Berserk (classic title!) really... we have had the NES, SNES, Megadrive, Saturn, CDi, Gamecube, N64, Xbox, Xbox 360, Playstation 1, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Wii...
Where will it all end? And do any of us really want it to?
BBC1 through to HDTV
Once upon a time, there was just one single solitary television channel. And the only satellite dish equipment you were ever likely to see would be stuck on the top of a Gerry Anderson spaceship with Bostik! It’s all a tad hard to imagine these days, isn’t it?
It’s certainly a far cry from the here and now. The kids of today would think that the world had slipped off its axis if they didn’t have two-hundred-odd TV stations to flick through after getting home from school!(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-27)
View : 716 Times
Postal Scales - Stop The Leaking Of Profits By: Dylan Leslie
If you will draw an analogy between the wealth generated and stored in your company and a reservoir of a precious fluid you can use that to test your existing systems.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-26)
View : 108 Times
Electric Rc Helicopters : The Art Of Flying By: rcmods
The electric RC helicopters has changed the entire scene of air modeling in aviation sector. The newcomers who are crazy about the glittering flying experience can have some good quality of electric helicopters in very affordable and easy to pocket price.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-26)
View : 249 Times
Get An Amazing Flying Experience With Remote Control Helicopters By: rcmods
These remote control helicopters are easy in flying and handling due to its light weight and long term durability of the devices. These beautifully made remote controlled helicopters looks cool and offers real flying experience to the newbie fliers.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-26)
View : 315 Times
Digital Camera Consumer Buying Guide By: James Morton
I hope that this guide will prove to be a useful tool, as I explain a few of the factors a new consumer should concern themselves with when they look to buy a new camera.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-26)
View : 226 Times