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Archived Articles about Technology, Gadget and Science
Gps Tracking Devices Keep Track On A Vehicle By: Article Expert
GPS tracking devices are perfect to keep track on a vehicle. Such a system informs the fleet owners to know the exact time spend by the drivers on the road and stoppages.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-11-01)
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Gps Tracking System Monitors Vehicles Closely By: Article Expert
GPS tracking system enables a user to monitor his/her vehicles plying on the roads. Such systems bring notice if any mishappening takes place on the roads.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-11-01)
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Save Your Business Travel By Installing Video Conferencing Systems By: williamsglobal
The contemporary world where time has more value than money, it has become imperative to make an efficient use of the former.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-11-01)
View : 113 Times
A Speed Camera Detector Can Assist Your Teenager To Be More Aware Of The Road By: Tom Palmieri
If your teenager makes too many mistakes, their insurance can go through the roof. Some policies will even drop a teenager if they have too many violations. After an amount of time, you will know whether your teenager is a reckless driver or not.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-31)
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Using Photo Blocker Spray To Decrease Speeding Citations By: Tom Palmieri
One of the latest products that has been introduced to the public market is the license plate photo blocker spray. This is the type of product that actually sounds too good to be true.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-31)
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The Necessities For Your Video Conferencing Equipments By: Yusnida MS
For establishing a fruitful video conferencing session, you should acquire top-quality Video Conferencing Equipments. In the following paragraphs, I have outlined the basic attributes of different Video Conferencing Equipments.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-31)
View : 378 Times
Where Television Lost Its Way By: However, a large percentage of viewers are deeply
However, a large percentage of viewers are deeply dissatisfied when it comes to the overall quality of programmes. And this is pretty ironic. thanks to services such as cable and freesat, we now have hundreds of different channels to choose from. However, even with such an amazing array of channels, it can often seem as if there is precious little to watch.
For a great many of us, the Golden Age of TV appears to have been and gone. British television was once home to some truly wonderful programmes, but this is sadly no longer the case. These days a great many of our shows have a distinctly American feel about them. It often seems as if all Britishness has been sucked from our programmes and that we are left with nothing more than a husk that is devoid of any real charm or personality. Of course, there is nothing wrong with American television programmes; it’s just that British ones should not be created to look like something they are not.
Another major contributor in the downfall of quality TV is the Reality Virus. Several years ago, our major channels discovered that ‘reality shows’ were an incredibly popular and lucrative idea. And since then we have been subjected to an ever-increasing amount of them. Television schedules are now rife with reality-based programmes; ‘celebs’ made to suffer unpleasant things, ‘real-life’ shows about the police, talent shows featuring ‘real people’, it all seems never-ending.
‘Reality’ television has taken-off in a truly big way and it really is a broadcaster’s dream. It can all be put together on a shoe-string budget and there are always plenty of people willing to make asses of themselves in exchange for a brief two minutes of fame! The only problem is that Reality TV leaves the more discerning viewer feeling cold. It may be cheap to make, but it is also cheap to watch. It is shallow, hollow and, much of the time, utterly pointless. All in all, Reality television shows are the furthest you could get from the much-loved programmes of years gone by.
Exactly what will happen with our television programmes in the future remains unclear. The Americanisation of our shows is still in full swing and many viewers continue to gorge themselves quite happily on ‘Reality’. And there are also other factors to be considered; a wide fall in programme standards, ‘comedians’ who cannot raise a laugh without employing crudity, endless boring repeats and a lack of genuinely intelligent programmes.
It is all a terrible shame when we are surrounded by such amazing home entertainment equipment. The only thing we lack is a reason to bother switching it on.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-31)
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How To Select Suitable Digital Camera Battery By: Shwan Wong
We all are familiar with that if you want to go with the long term usage with digital camera then it requires replacement of the battery. So, here we will trash out what we to keep in mind before selecting a digital camera battery.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-31)
View : 123 Times
Just Stop An Have A Look At Kn4 Quad Band Dual Sim Mini Tv Phone With Java Black By: Alez Disto
Chinese mobile phone manufacturers are well known for producing and manufacturing superior quality mobile functions with exquisite functions. Among the various models of mobile phones, the KN4 model of the quad band model is very popular among the young generation.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-30)
View : 109 Times
Gps Bluetooth Receiver Working For Pdas By: Sanjeev Walia
Bluetooth GPS receiver working for the PDA devices is easily portable. During trips it can be carried with minimum efforts and without any inconvenience. Seeking help from the strangers can prove dangerous. Self help, using GPS technology through Bluetooth receivers is the best thing to do in such a situation.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-30)
View : 151 Times