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Archived Articles about Technology, Gadget and Science
Greencell Gt5 Introduces Hydrocell; System To Reduce Dependence On Oil By: greencelltek
(Toronto) — GreenCell Technologies is proud to announce the introduction and launch of HydroCell™, a product critical to an integrated Hydrogen Enrichment System designed to increase fuel efficiencies in diesel trucks, and eventually in all diesel engines. GreenCell has developed a new approach to the anode-cathode arrangement to increase hydrogen output and decrease fuel consumption overall.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-11-24)
View : 191 Times
Greencell Technologies Investor Relations By: greencelltek
GreenCell Technologies GT5 investor information can be contacted on GreenCell Technologies Inc. 7-21 Industry Street, Aurora, Ontario L4G 1X6 investors (at) GreenCell Technologies trades on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Open Market Symbol: GT5(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-11-24)
View : 239 Times
Available Professional Graphics Designer At Affordable Price By: cispratik
Hiring professional graphic designers at affordable price is often quite difficult, as you need to undergo lots of research in finding the correct designer for your website advertising. By considering some points such as clear understanding of idea and communicating timeliness and cost in advance, you can easily get an expert for your graphics designing.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-11-23)
View : 361 Times
Legal For Trade Digital Scale - Benefit From The Laws By: Lawrence Denisson
We of course respect the law and are happy the laws are there to make our life safe and predictable.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-11-23)
View : 137 Times
Why The Iphone Is Loved By Students By: James Dableur
The Smartphone industry is renowned for its ability to conjure up an application, service, or gadget for just about every demographic, ethnicity, age, gender or occupation - no matter who, or what you are, “there’s an app for that“.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-11-23)
View : 63 Times
Bench Scale With Printer By: autor
Do you need to be able to weigh items and catalogue them? If so, a bench scale with printer might be just the thing to suit your personal or business needs. Bench scales are small industrial quality scales that are used to weigh small to medium sized items, such as mail, jewelry, coinage, medicinal components and other lab applications, as well as many other types of smaller sized products.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-11-23)
View : 214 Times
7 Of The World’s Most Useful Laptop Gadgets By: Here are 7 of the most essential gadgets for lapto
Here are 7 of the most essential gadgets for laptop or netbook owners –
1. External hard drive
A portable hard drive is an extremely useful item to own, especially if you are a music or movie buff!
Using one of these babies to house your collection of flicks or choons will mean that you are not heaping loads of data onto your actual machine. So, you will only need to plug it in when you get an urge to hear your favourite CD, be it Iron Maiden, Cradle of Filth, The Sisters of Mercy or Bros.
2. Cordless Mouse
Things have really moved on in the world of computerised rodents. I mean, it wasn’t so many years ago when all mice had balls.
Then we had the optical generation; these were certainly an improvement, but our mouse’s tail was still a bit of a nuisance.
But, fear not; the next wave of mice is now upon us. And not only have this batch been digitally castrated, they have also had their tails removed!!! A little cruel perhaps, but it certainly makes life easier for laptop or netbook users.
3. Internet dongle
The whole purpose of having a portable computer is, well... portability. However, this isn’t a great deal of use if you are unable to connect to the Net.
Fortunately, it is now possible to buy a special ‘dongle’ which allows you to get online wherever you go! And these are available on both a ‘contract’ or ‘pay as you go’ basis!
4. External CD/DVD drive
If you are the owner of a netbook, then an external CD/DVD drive is a must! They are super-handy to have and many will even be powered by a USB connection.
Besides, an external CD/DVD drive will normally be your only option when it comes to making yourself a recovery disc.
5. Laptop Lock
Anyone who uses their lovely laptop or natty netbook in public places should always be aware of thieves!
Portable computers are very expensive items and they are also really exceptionally simple to steal.
However, a special locking cable will help to protect your cherished possession from any tea leaves. And, if someone does try to snatch it, there is always the possibility that your locking cable will wrap around their ankle, cause them to fall and to do themselves a mischief!
6. Wi-Fi Detector
If you rely on Wi-Fi hotspots for your internet connection, then a Wi-Fi Detector is a useful bit of kit to own! They are normally really diddy and will often come in the form of a key ring.
Apparently, you can even buy a Wi-Fi detecting t-shirt that will light-up when you are in a Wi-Fi zone.
Cooool! (I think...)
7. USB Hub
Many modern gadgets will rely on their own USB connection to work, so investing in a USB Hub is a very good idea.
This will allow you to have oodles of handy gizmos plugged into your computer all at the same time; a USB Reading Light, a USB Vacuum Cleaner, a USB Cup Warmer, a USB Teasmaid, a USB Hedge Trimmer and a USB Dishwasher!
Rocking.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-11-23)
View : 458 Times
The Coolest Toys Of The 1970's By: Kids in the 1970s may not have had games consoles,
Kids in the 1970s may not have had games consoles, MP3 players or state of the art mobile phones, but they did have a whole lot of fun. And this is because there were so many awesome toys to play with!
• Remote Control Toys
During the latter part of the 1970’s, the first ‘proper’ R/C toys were slowly beginning to appear. However, unless you had exceptionally generous parents, they would only be the stuff of dreams. But these days you can get a remote control helicopter, plane or car for a fraction of the price.
Modern kids have no idea of how lucky they actually are; thirty odd years ago we’d have given anything to have our very own remote control helicopter!
• The Chopper Bike/BMX
Here in the UK, BMX bikes didn’t take off in a big way until the early 80’s... but before they did, we had ‘The Chopper’! This uber cool 1970’s bicycle was instantly recognisable with its high handlebars, ‘T’ shaped gearstick and plush high-backed seat.
Everyone loved these bikes to bits... until the BMX thing kicked off. And then we realised how damn heavy they were! You had to be a world class weightlifter to do bunny hops on a Chopper...
• Space Hopper
If there is any toy from the 1970’s that you are going to call iconic, then it would have to be the Space Hopper. Just about every child in the country had one of these giant orange balls with horns and a smiley face!
It was amazing just how much satisfaction could be had simply by bouncing around the back garden on a tangerine-coloured rubber sphere!
• BigTrak
Any child of the late 70’s would have ‘BigTrak’ firmly at the top of their Christmas list! This six-wheeled fully-programmable vehicle was years ahead of its time. You could send it off on all manner of missions and it would trundle away quite obediently, zapping anyone that got in its way. There was even a special BigTrak trailer you could buy!
And now (probably thanks to the ‘Retro’ thing), BigTrak is making a comeback! It looks totally identical to the original spacey tank and it is set to enthral a whole new generation of kids.
• KerPlunk
In the decade of flowery and fly-away-collared shirts, it seemed as though everyone had a KerPlunk game at home! And a lot of us didn’t even want to know how to play this game properly; using it to make a hellish noise with oodles of falling marbles was sufficiently satisfying in itself!!!
Needless to say, KerPlunk was not the most popular game amongst parents...(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-11-23)
View : 428 Times
Gt5 Greencell Technologies On Hydrocell By: greencelltek
The HydroCell produces Hydrogen Gas, on demand, and adds it to the air drawn into a diesel engine. This small quantity of Hydrogen has large effects on the combustion process.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-11-22)
View : 195 Times
Utilizing An High-definition Multimedia Interface Connection Using The Wii System By: Alez Disto
Nintendo doesn't make their Wii system High-definition multimedia interface, (Hd Multi Interface) suitable. In present day marketplace practically all HDTVs, (Hd Televisions), are outfitted with High-definition multimedia interface.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-11-22)
View : 91 Times