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Starting A Business As A Psychic Reader By: Robert Watson
I will try to say something you may find amazing. Anyone in the world has psychic powers. All humans has psychic abilities, they just need to be open to signals from other sources. Every day there are humans who can aid others or themselves by hearing that tiny voice inside your head.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-09-14)
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Ismaili Flag - Green Color - Its Special Features By: Ibrahim Machiwala
"The Ismaili flag contains rich green colour with a red strip descending from left upper corner to the bottom of right side, making a cross mark in the flag. The nature of the characteristics, which the Ismaili flag, acquired green and red colours (lawn) from the historical context will be explored briefly in the following lines.
Green (akhdar) is synonymous with nature. For the Arabs, as for many other people, green is the symbol of good luck, of natural fertility, of vegetation, of youth. For Islam, the green standard of the Prophet and the green cloak of Ali bin Abu Talib have become the very emblems of the religion. As a beneficent colour, green belongs so naturally to the popular spirit of the Arabs that their colloquial language is full of expression where this colour symbolizes joy, gaiety or success. Green is mentioned six times in the Koran as an adjective (khudr, akhdar), vide 12:43, 46:18, 31, 36:80, 55:76 and 76:21, and once as a participle (22:63). Giving the description of green, the Koran also says, "Reclining on green cushions and beautiful carpets" (55:76) and "Do you not see that God sends down water from the cloud so the earth becomes green?" (22:63). In Syria, a green land is used in describing a lucky person. To wish somebody a good year, one uses the expression green year, and when one takes up residence in a new dwelling, green leaves of beet are hung there as a token of good luck. In Morocco, the expression my stirrups are green means, "I bring the rain when I travel into an area where it is awaited." The Prophet himself declared, "The sight of green is agreeable to the eyes as the sight of a beautiful woman" (al-Jahiz, Tarbi, p.137).
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, Written many books on Islam and Ismailism, Ismaili Flag - Green Color - Its Special Features is taken from Encyclopedia of Ismailism, also read 101 Ismaili Heroes (read entire article)(posted on: 2008-09-12)
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Ismaili Flag - Alamut Period By: Ibrahim Machiwala
"Hasan bin Sabbah (1034-1124) took possession of the fort of Alamut in Iran in 1090. His immediate concerns were to refortify Alamut, provide for it food and water supply, irrigate the field in the valley, acquire adjacent castles, erect forts at strategic points, institute economic and social reforms and unite the Ismailis. Thus, he succeeded to establish the Nizarid Ismailis rule in Alamut. It appears from the fragments of the historical sources that, the Ismailis continued green colour as their standard, and Hasan bin Sabbah is reported to have hoisted it for the first time on the summit of the Alamut.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, Written many books on Islam and Ismailism, Ismaili Flag - Alamut Period is taken from Encyclopedia of Ismailism, also read 101 Ismaili Heroes (read entire article)(posted on: 2008-09-11)
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The Art Of Aura Reading By: Mel Bryson
The aura camera itself is an invention that has totally revolutionized the way aura colors could be used in treatment, because it was then possible for the client themselves to see their aura.
Written by Mel Bryson. See your unique aura colors with an aura camera. Aura readings through aura photography at .(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-09-10)
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Ismaili Constitution By: Ibrahim Machiwala
The word constitution is derived from the Latin constituere means an action of decreeing or ordaining. According to The Oxford English Dictionary (London, 1933, 2:876), "It is a decree, ordinance, law, regulation usually one made by a superior authority, civil or ecclesiastical." In the broad sense, a Constitution is a body of rules governing the affairs of an organized group.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, Written many books on Islam and Ismailism, Ismaili Constitution is taken from Encyclopedia of Ismailism, also read 101 Ismaili Heroes (read entire article)(posted on: 2008-09-08)
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Ismaili Tariqah By: Ibrahim Machiwala
The word tariqah (pl. turuq, tara'iq) is derived from tariq meaning a space between two rows of palm-trees. It is thus simply meant the way, path or road, as it is said in Arabic qatah atariq means he interpreted the road, and howalla tariqatah means he is following his own way. Salmon suggests in his Arabic Dictionary (p, 499) the derivation of tariqah from taraqa meaning a string of camels following a difficult tract to a well." The word tariq occurs nine times in the Koran. The tariqah is not only internal perception of the hidden meaning of the law, it also purports to be a total discipline aimed towards the progressive purification of the soul.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, Written many books on Islam and Ismailism, Ismaili Tariqah is taken from Encyclopedia of Ismailism, also read 101 Ismaili Heroes (read entire article)(posted on: 2008-09-04)
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Grace Is What Gives Joy And Delight By: Jamie Hanson
We become Blessed as a consequence of humbleness towards God. We cannot be blessed if we do not possess a caring heart, and only go about obeying God.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-08-27)
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Ishq By: Ibrahim Machiwala
The word ishq is derived from ashiqa. The ashiqa is a creeper called liblab in Arabic and ishq-pechan in Persian. When this creeper twines itself around a tree, it deprives it of its leaves and fruits. The tree turns yellow and a few days later dries up. Similarly, when love takes its root in the heart of a lover, every one other than the beloved is effaced in the effulgence of the beloved's beauty; the very being of the lover is annihilated and there remains nothing save the beloved.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, Written many books on Islam and Ismailism, Ishq is taken from Encyclopedia of Ismailism.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-08-24)
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Imam Shah By: Ibrahim Machiwala
"Syed Imam Shah was a famous Ismaili da'i in India. His name was Imamuddin, surnamed Abdur Rahim. He was born in Uchh Sharif in 834/1430, and was the younger son of Pir Hasan Kabiruddin. The tradition has it that when Pir Hasan Kabiruddin died, his all sons were present at Uchh Sharif with exception of Syed Imam Shah. The tradition attests that he reached late during the interment of his father's body. Many traditions are recounted for his dissatisfaction, but all are legendary in character.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, Written many books on Islam and Ismailism, Imam Shah is taken from Encyclopedia of Ismailism, also read 101 Ismaili Heroes (read entire article)(posted on: 2008-08-15)
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Imam Al-mubin By: Ibrahim Machiwala
The word Imam al-Mubin occurred twice in the Koran (36:12 and 15:79). The word Imam (pl. a'imma) means a model, an exemplar, a teacher, a guide or a path. The word mubin means manifest, apparent, present, or visible. Besides, the word mubin has a special significance. In Arabic, mubin and the root b-y-n means readily apparent. Thus, Imam al-Mubin means manifest or apparent Imam.
The Christian Crusaders and their occidental chroniclers were completely ignorant of Islam. They knew Islam through the literature of the Sunnis, and translated the Koran in the same vein. Peter de Venerable (1094-1156) was Abbot of Cluny in Toledo. The circle of scholars he had commissioned produced mutilated translation of the Koran for the first time from Arabic into Latin.
Mumtaz Ali Tajddin S. Ali is an popular Ismaili Scholar, Written many books on Islam and Ismailism, Imam Al-Mubin is taken from Encyclopedia of Ismailism, also read 101 Ismaili Heroes (read entire article)(posted on: 2008-08-14)
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