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Archived Articles about Politics
India's Claim To Pok Upheld By Ads By: Danial Martin
The minister said the government was determined to constructing the project and all options were being considered to complete it in the shortest possible time.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-10-29)
View : 376 Times
Ten Main Well Being Benefits Of Cannabis By: Bryant Headlee
The times of Reefer Insanity are fairly far gone, however the American public remains to be vastly uninformed about Mary Jane, particularly concerning its myriad of amazing well being benefits. Listed below are 10 (out of numerous) health benefits that marijuana possesses. With that said, it's simply baffling that medical Mary Jane just isn't authorized in many of the country, and still there retains such a unfavourable reputation. So, you probably have one of these conditions, now might be a very good time to call up your cousin's dealer.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-08-06)
View : 316 Times
Election Talk: Find Ways To Allow A Healthy Mix Of Politics And Productivity By: Ronn Torossian
It's not uncommon for 33-year-old Ronn Torossian, the founder of PR firm 5W Public Relations, to overhear employees talking politics when he walks into his company's cafeteria.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-08-03)
View : 582 Times
Put America To Work By: JD Durham
If you read the headlines or listen to the political rhetoric that inundates each and everyone of us everyday, you might believe all that is required to fix the problems of the ‘middle class'(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-08-01)
View : 371 Times
What Does Big Government Have To Do With Big Debt? By: kim valerio
Big Government Really Does Lead To More Debt(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-07-27)
View : 500 Times
Colombia Decriminalizes Cocaine And Weed, As Latin American Momentum For Drug Policy Reform Continue By: Keith Anderson
Colombia's Constitutional Court Friday permitted the government's proposal to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of cocaine and marijuana for personal use. Anyone caught with lower than 20 grams of marijuana or one gram of cocaine for private use might receive bodily or psychological remedy relying on their state of consumption, but may not be prosecuted or detained, the court ruled.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-07-25)
View : 346 Times
Address To The International Community From Hunger Strikers In Ukraine By: Bradley Zid
The citizens of Ukraine, non-governmental organizations and civic activists highly appreciate the stance and the assistance that the international community, human rights organizations and governments have always been providing. Also, it has been much talked about the fact that both Ukrainian government and the opposition have discredited themselves and proved to be an unreliable and unpredictable entities vis-à -vis their Western partners, with many Western politicians uttering the wish to rather seek co-operation with the civic society. At the same time, the West has invested an enormous effort to make Yanukovych free former members of the Ukrainian government – the efforts that did not bring any tangible result, neither for the jailed opposition member, nor for the Ukrainian people or democracy in Ukraine. It is time to recognize that without real support from the socially active and conscious part of the population, any further efforts from the Western countries are doomed to failure. And this civic initiative is one of the genuine and passionate, non-monetarily motivated representatives of the above mentioned civic society that will highly appreciate any support from the side of International community. The most essential support at this stage would be moral support to cheer up this initiative and their supporters that show an unparalleled degree of concern for the future of their country and its democratic, non-criminal future.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-07-24)
View : 278 Times
Discover The Best Services Accident Attorneys In Nj Can Offer By: Dominique Adkins
Injuries caused by car crashes in New Jersey are increasing every year thereby increasing the need for services of accident attorneys in NJ. Damages to property and hospital expense are some of the problems faced by the victim that should be compensated by the criminal. However, victims cannot do this alone, that’s why they need auto accident lawyers to assist them with their claims and insurances. Accident lawyers assess which medical expenses and property damages should be paid by the accused. Auto accident lawyers are well aware of the cases to be filed upon investigation of their client. This will be served rightfully in court when proven with evidence.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-07-22)
View : 499 Times
Authority Examination Finds Dea Should Re-classify Pot By: Greg Gresko
The present classification of hashish and its natural compounds as schedule I prohibited substances beneath federal legislation is scientifically indefensible, in response to a simply published overview in The Open Neurology Journal.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-07-19)
View : 305 Times
Senator Catharine Young Never Fails To Go For Fight Against Right Of The Tenants (f.a.r.t)! By: Catharine Young
According to many, the sole reason for such a favor from Cathy Young side is the finance for the re-election is said to come from the pockets of these landlords. Distributing Christmas gifts in the mid of April is also one such act that is performed with the same intention.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-07-18)
View : 292 Times