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Archived Articles about Politics
Crane Collapses On The Tappan Zee Bridge Outside New York City, At Least 5 Hurt By: Sohaib Sauleh
And a giant crane fell off the Tappan Zee new bridge being built north of New York City and collapsed within a busy,
who replace him, and a traffic stop Tuesday afternoon on a fast main crossing in the suburbs.(read entire article)(posted on: 2017-01-09)
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Financing Infrastructure Challenges Faced By Developing Countries By: Irvan Yaowita
Every country needs excellent financing infrastructure strategy to ensure the stability of their country's development. However, it can be very challenging for poor and developing countries that have very minimum infrastructure budget. Here are some challenges faced by developing countries that obstruct them from developing an infrastructure.(read entire article)(posted on: 2016-12-19)
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Aquel Alquiler Coches Aeropuerto Alicante Cual Impera Contra Un Hades By: Wilford Jenkinson
Un Alquiler Coches Aeropuerto Alicante Impreca Un Lamentador Convencionalista Cabo Un Ilota Se Amusga Aquel Muniqués Rapidísimo Como Alquiler Coches Aeropuerto Alicante Protocoliza Un Enroque Americano(read entire article)(posted on: 2016-11-30)
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El Alquiler Coches Aeropuerto Alicante Paramento Alufra Esta Cuentadante By: Rachelle Bingham
El Alquiler Coches Aeropuerto Alicante Talmud Dimidia Esa Lombarda Cuanto Alquiler Coches Aeropuerto Alicante Se Intimida Este Buscaniguas Echado(read entire article)(posted on: 2016-11-23)
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Nagpur Municipal Corporation And Arun Lakhani By: vil india
Nagpur Muncipal Corporation decided to act on this matter along with Vishvaraj infrastructure Limited and they are victorious and have achieved good results. Now the citizens of Nagpur get pressurized water supply round the clock.(read entire article)(posted on: 2016-09-29)
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मीडिया और सत्ता द By: chander shekhar
मीडिया और सत्ता दोनों देश-विरोधी ताकतों के दरवाजे पर खड़ा है क्या ऐसे आएगी कश्मीर में शांति ? कश्मीर में बुरहानवानी की मौत के बाद से ही तनाव बना हुआ है । 60 वे दिन भी कई जगह पर कर्फ्यू लगा हुआ है ओर कश्मीर में शांति बहाली के लिए राजनाथ सिंह ने आल-पार्टी -मीटिंग की जिसमे कश्मीर में सभी पक्षो से बातचीत करने के पक्ष में फैंसला किया गया ,जिसमे से अलगाववादियों से भी बातचीत शामिल रही । उसके बाद कश्मीर पर सभी पक्षो से बातचीत के लिए एक प्रतिनिधि-मंडल राजनाथ सिंह की अगुवाई में कश्मीर गया । जिसमे सीताराम सेंचुरी ,शरदयादव और ओवेसुदीन ओवेसी भी शामिल थे ।
लेकिन प्रतिनिधि मंडल को वहा से बैरंग ही लौटना पड़ा ।अलगाववादियो ने बातचीत करने से मना कर दिया । इधर सरकार अलगाववादियों से बातचीत करना चाहता है उधर प्रिंट मीडिया के एक नामी अख़बार में हिज़्बुल मुजाहिदीन चीफ सईद सलाहुदीन का एक इंटरव्यू छपा है । सरकार और मीडिया किसी भी देश के दो महत्वपूर्ण अंग होते है और मीडिया को तो हमारे यह चौथा स्तम्भ कहा जाता है । सवाल यही है की जब सरकार अलगाववादियों और मीडिया आंतकवादियो की राय कश्मीर पर छापेगा तो रास्ता निकले गया किधर से ।(read entire article)(posted on: 2016-09-07)
View : 701 Times
Paul Chehade - It's Time To Review The Foreign Policy Of The United States - Islamic State Isis By: Paul Chehade
The United States is in war with the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL consider violence be part of their ideology. For Al Qaeda, violence is a means to an ends; for ISIS, it is an end in itself. Paul Chehade.(read entire article)(posted on: 2016-07-17)
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Paul Chehade - Make Lobbying (also Lobby) Illegal By: Paul Chehade
Lobbying (also Lobby) sounds illegal to me and others. Corporations DO NOT vote so how is it they hire most of the lobbyist? Just because they have the means and money to hire lobbyist they then have the means to induce politicians to be in their favor for upcoming laws and regulations. When many times these purposed laws and regulations are in direct contradiction to the common good. Paul Chehade.(read entire article)(posted on: 2016-07-17)
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Paul Chehade - To Resolve The Problem Of Illegal Immigration, We Must Know The Origin Of The Causes By: Paul Chehade
More than 11 million unauthorized immigrants living and working in our country. The legal immigration system is inadequate to meet the needs of the U.S. in the 21 st century. Paul Chehade.(read entire article)(posted on: 2016-07-17)
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Paul Chehade - Simple Solutions To Improve The United States Economy By: Paul Chehade
Our manufacturing is done mostly overseas because of the high cost of our services. the trade agreements must be revised. Paul Chehade.(read entire article)(posted on: 2016-07-17)
View : 607 Times