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Archived Articles about Animal and Pet
Pet Stroller Mart - Free Shipping On Pet Strollers By: Randall Merchant
Find the best in pet strollers and carriers. Pet Stroller Mart is expanding with new products and merchandise for you and your pet.
R. Merchant is a writer for who researches and writes about the best in pet merchandise an(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-10-06)
View : 319 Times
Persian Cat: Chocolate And Lilac Color By: Jesica Jennings
Chocolate or lilac Persians?
Can it be possible? I, as an owner, breeding Persians and exots, pose myself such a problem quite recently. Of, course they exist, if to see from genetic point of view.(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-09-25)
View : 261 Times
2 Essential Rules To Potty Training Dogs By: Jim Guererro
This article will go into 2 basic principles that go into potty training dogs. Without mastering these 2 fundamentals the learning curve to house train your dog will take longer than expected.
If you want to control your dog properly, make sure you(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-09-02)
View : 274 Times
Top Reasons To Training Dog Tricks By: Jean Cote
Why should you teach your dog tricks? To become a leader and to entertain your friends are amongst the top reasons, find out more!
Jean a hobbyist dog trainer and the director of Dog Tricks Academy. You can(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-09-02)
View : 307 Times
Breeding Purebred Cats By: Albert Tang
If you are interested in breeding purebred cats for monetary gains, you have to consider the pros and cons first before going down this road. While the rewards are generous and rewarding, cat breeding is not for all. People have this mistaken perception t(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-08-19)
View : 215 Times
What Is The Best Training Dog Collar? By: Jim Guererro
This article will show that there are different training dog
collar types on the market and identify dog collar types in
a special type of training that some dogs go through.
If you love your dog and want control over it, then you need to make sure(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-08-19)
View : 270 Times
Coping With Cat Allergies By: Albert Tang
Before making any decision to get a cat, you should look into whether you and your family members are allergic to cats. Many people are allergic to cats, some more so than others. Too often, people bring home a pet only to find out later that they or(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-08-17)
View : 211 Times
Are Martingale Collars For Dogs Worth It? By: Jim Guererro
This article will go into how a martingale dog collar works to insure that the dog never escapes from their dog collar. Having this peace of mind takes a lot of pressure off knowing that your dog will not get loose in a moment of panic.(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-08-17)
View : 303 Times
What To Do If The Bird Stays Bristled Up By: Geomil Georgiev
Your budgies has been bristled up for several days, shivers, its beaks grows and curves. The reason for your budgie’s problem is the lack of vitamins and minerals. As a beginning take it to the vet to cut the growths and to file away the curved beak.(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-08-13)
View : 283 Times
Peculiarities In Nesting Of Canaries. How To Bread Canaries (difficulties In Laying Eggs) By: Geomil Georgiev
If at the time of laying eggs the female canary stays bristled up and immovable, this could mean that it has difficulties in laying eggs. The mature egg, ready to be laid, cannot pass through the cloaca – the reasons can be different. The normally formed(read entire article)(posted on: 2007-08-13)
View : 329 Times