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Archived Articles about Animal and Pet
Barking Dog – A Fundamental Must Know Before Stop Dog From Barking By: Ari Rusmiland
Sometimes dog owner never realize how terrible they treat their dog. Leave dog alone for plenty of time, never provide exercise, bad communication, is the most problem that cause people cannot control dog from barking(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-07-09)
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Different Types Of Parrots By: Sunil Punjabi
Every aspiring pet parrot owner should understand the distinct differences between various species of parrots as it may help one decide on which parrot specie will be most suitable as a pet.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-07-05)
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Tips And Guidelines For Bird Pet Owners By: Sunil Punjabi
Birds generally will do a good job of taking care of themselves if provided with some basic needs. However if one is to truly keep his pet in top shape he needs to follow some routine procedures and live to his responsibilities.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-07-05)
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Top Pet Bird Dangers With Bird Toys By: Sunil Punjabi
Household pets are susceptible to a multitude of dangers lying around the house and even in their bird cage. This is mainly due to their small size, sensitive respiratory system, and rapid metabolism and in the case of parrots, their curiosity to explore everything around them with their beaks.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-07-05)
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Super Pet Supplies Helps To Study The Quality Of Pets Before Bringing It Into Their Home By: Petterritory
Many families across the country own at least one pet. Regardless of what type of pet it is the pet in a way becomes a member of the family. There are some families that take extra care of their pets with pampering them with pet gifts or pet supplies. Pet owners have a number of options when it comes to Super Pet Supplies.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-07-03)
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Buying A Bird Cage? Keep These Tips In Mind… By: Sunil Punjabi
If you are a bird owner, then it is within your responsibilities to provide your pet with a safe, comfortable and adequate living environment. When buying a new bird cage, one can easily become overwhelmed with all the different shapes, colors and sizes of bird cages available.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-06-23)
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Ensure The Safety Of Your Pet Bird A Proper Bird Cage By: Sunil Punjabi
Just like any other pet, birds should live in a safe environment. However, many precautions need to be taken in order to ensure such safety. From bird cage material, bird toys, house appliances and toxic fumes, birds are susceptible to a number of risks and dangerous threats which one should take proper preventions to avoid.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-06-23)
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Buy The Right Bird Toys For Your Pet Birds By: Sunil Punjabi
Bird toys are probably not amongst the first things, which come to mind when considering what is required in the care of a parrot. However, choosing the right toys would provide your parrot with a safe and engaging environment to play and exercise in, both when confined in its parrot cage and even when left to roam around the house, and help with its development.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-06-23)
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Take Care Of Your Pet Parrot With Proper Parrot Cages By: Sunil Punjabi
Taking care of a parrot starts with choosing one of the many parrot cages available on the market. Bird cages today come in many shapes, styles, colours and sizes because of the increasing popularity of having birds as pets. Since your parrot will spend much of its life in a cage, it is vitally important to select one, which will keep it safe and happy. One should be able to purchase good quality parrot cages for an appropriate amount - a cage that is of the right size and quality.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-06-23)
View : 261 Times
How To Approach Pet Flea Treatment By: Jamie Hanson
Pets are the most faithful companions on the earth and the most preferred pets now-a-days are dogs o ...(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-06-18)
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