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Why Professional Landlords Should Choose Property Management Software By: Amer Siddiq
In business as in life generally it pays to learn from the mistakes that other people have already made. Setting up and running a property portfolio is a risky and time consuming business. Researching and investing in good property management software is probably the last thing on the mind of the novice professional landlord.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-01-12)
View : 206 Times
Learn Drawing - Using These Principles Of Composition By: Ruediger Schmidt
A magnificient composition separates a mediocre artwork and your attractive, eye-catching drawing. This short essay teaches you all basic principles of composition you need to acquire.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-01-12)
View : 300 Times
How To Cash In Through Local Search Domination? By: claudiamcgaha57
Local search domination is one of the latest buzzwords in the ever-evolving field of search engine optimization (SEO). The recent changes in listing priorities of major search engines have catalyzed more activities and debates on this issue.
For those who may not have much understanding about SEO and the importance of local search optimization, here are a few basic concepts.
Search Engine Optimization
In simple words, it is the process of making the websites appears in top ranking of search results of major search engines for a set of keywords. Studies have shown that a majority of people only check the websites in the first page of the search results. Some studies even say the first few entries get the most priority.
It means if a website is buried inside the search results of search engines, it may not get the desired traffic – even if that website provides the best service and comprehensive information. Therefore, getting the top ranking in search engine is as important as, if not more important than, creating a great design or writing engaging content.
SEO is a vast topic. Almost all commercial websites spent a lot of money for maintaining their search domination. In this article, the focus is on what is known as local search domination.
How It Emerged
People behind search engines, be it Google, Yahoo, Ask, Bing, or any other, strive to produce the most relevant results to the users. They periodically change the search engine algorithms to make search engines more useful and relevant for the user. One of the recent changes in the algorithms paved way for the emergence of local search domination.
Conventionally, when you searched for a particular keyword – for example, using the keyword “hotelsâ€, the search engines used to show a universal result. The page contained same results irrespective of the location from which you searched. That is, there was no difference whether you searched from New York or Moscow.
However, the recent changes in the search engine algorithms have triggered changes in the search engine results – and forced commercial websites to take steps for local search domination. Theoretically speaking, if you search from Moscow you will get results of hotels in Moscow and if you search from New York you will get results of hotels in New York. In practice, this may not be very visible and true in the case of all the cities.
A visible change has occurred when people search for “New York hotelsâ€. Now, search engines – take for example Google – show a map of New York with exact location of hotels. The conventional top-ranked websites appear below this geography-specific list.
The SEO experts have found out methods to get into the geography-specific list of search engines. They call it local search domination tactics. In short, it means a website now has to be optimized both for a given set of keywords and a combination of keyword plus names in which it operates or in which it has a good customer base.
The new concept is good for the webmasters of websites that do not have to search engine rankings at present. This offers them a great opportunity to propel their websites into the first page of search results.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-01-10)
View : 169 Times
Laws That You Need To Know When Dropshipping By: William King
A specific set of laws and regulations is needed to regulate e-commerce. However some basic rules that also apply to online business are described in this article.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-01-10)
View : 267 Times
Basic Modes Of Shipment Used In Export Business By: William King
This article is about different modes of transportation used by wholesalers and suppliers for delivering goods to their customer. Let’s have a quick look on every method’s advantages and disadvantages.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-01-10)
View : 292 Times
Get Renewed By The Make Up Which Moves You Towards Difference By: Nouvelleaesthetics
Before we get thick into the things we have to know about the types of make up.
There are two types of makeup, first one is permanent make up that is irremovable means makeup that is tattooed on or that stays on your face forever. Second is semi permanent make up just as name sounds; that is not permanent and can be removed.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-01-08)
View : 207 Times
When Do You Decide To Buy Term Paper? By: Shayane Johns
Term papers ate important academic documents that have to be written by graduate students at the end of each semester. The end of semester mark exams, completion of many assignments and the pressure of many term papers. With the hectic lifestyles of juggling work, studies, social life and all else, students rarely manage to submit work written by themselves. This is when students decide on buying term papers. This article analyse the compelling case for buying term papers and how it can help students in achieving their academic goals.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-01-08)
View : 266 Times
Reusable Bags Save The Planet By: William Henry
When a person considers ways to save the planet and reduce their carbon footprint, they think of recycling and conserving energy. Another extremely effective way is thru the use of reusable bags. Also referred to as green bags because of their eco friendly use, reusable bags are a great way to reduce the use of plastic bags which cause an abundance of waste throughout our environment.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-01-08)
View : 186 Times
Understanding Drawing - Where Should I Be Starting A Drawing? By: Ruediger Schmidt
This article answers the question that seems common among beginning artists who just start to learn drawing: "how and where to take the first step to drawing?"(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-01-08)
View : 320 Times
The Ultimate Key Of Reverse Phone Lookup Numbers To Unleash Callers’ Identities By: Linda Crowford
Owing to the technological developments, the search of the information of a person has become simplified through reverse phone lookup process.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-01-07)
View : 209 Times