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Pardon Remove A Criminal Record And Helps In Crossing The Border By: MariaLara
You have to apply for a Waiver to be able to travel into the US. United States Entry Waiver Helps to Cross the United States Border.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-19)
View : 204 Times
Get Credit Checks In The Philippines By: thailandpi
If you are a typical middle class Philippines citizen, chances are you already have some credit established either through a credit card, home, car or other loan. If you are applying for a loan or credit, it is important to understand how this works in the Philippines.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-19)
View : 148 Times
Dol Publishes Model Chipra Notice-00-7650 By: 4Ps Marketing
The Department of Labor ("DOL") recently issued a model notice that can be used by employers to fulfill their notice obligations under the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 ("CHIPRA"). CHIPRA extended and expanded the Children's Health Insurance Program ("CHIP") to allow states to subsidize the premiums for employer-provided group health coverage for eligible children and their families. In addition to requiring group health plans to offer new special enrollment opportunities to certain employees and their dependents who are eligible for, but not enrolled in, a group health plan, CHIPRA also requires that employers offering such a group health plan, in states that provide subsidized premiums, to notify employees residing in each such state of the potential opportunities available in that state for premium assistance under Medicaid and CHIP for health coverage of the employee and/or the employee's dependents.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-18)
View : 240 Times
What Is Retaliatory Discharge? By: George Parker
In our earlier article called "How to properly protect yourself ", we explained how common it is for a worker to contact Illinois workers compensation lawyers and explain to them that..(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-18)
View : 118 Times
In The Case Of An 18 Wheeler Accident, It Is In Everybody’s Best Interest That An 18 Wheeler Accid By: Angelo Everton
An 18 wheeler accident, if it does not cause death, will surely cause grave injury. 18 wheeler accidents are very common all over the country. The highways are traversed by these monster 18 wheeler trucks at an enormous speed and it is not possible to manage if they decide to act rogue. It is true that sometimes these accidents happen due to the mistakes committed by the driver of the 18 wheeler but they sometimes also happen due to mistakes committed by other motorists.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-18)
View : 335 Times
Benefits Of Hiring Personal Injury Attorneys By: justin
Personal injury law protects persons from injuries and accidents. Personal injury attorneys can efficiently handle all of your personal injury cases and personal injury settlements matters and have deep knowledge about personal injury law.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-14)
View : 82 Times
Distracted Driving - The Scourge Of Talking On A Hand-held Phone And Texting By: Moss
Using a cell phone is okay but using it while driving is a bane. Using a cell phone while driving creates distraction and it seems to be getting worse every year. This kind of distracted driving has become an epidemic because almost everyone has a cellphone and everyone wants to use it.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-13)
View : 95 Times
Lawyer Directories: Why They Are Key To Getting A Good Lawyer By: Isaac Aboagye
Your best friend is in police custody. He is facing a serious case. You have no idea on where you will get a good lawyer from. Inwardly you know your friend is innocent. You must get a good lawyer to prove his innocence. Time is running out fast. What options do you have to achieve your goal?(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-13)
View : 261 Times
Tips On Where You Can Find A Lawyer By: Isaac Aboagye
When such stressful situation occurs to you, you need help at hand. In the information era we are living in today, going to the internet is the easiest option. This is where you can easily access thousands of directories of lawyers at a click of a mouse.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-13)
View : 272 Times
California Administrative Law: Nurse With One Dui -- Court Overturns License Revocation By Californi By: Bush.Franklin
A California registered nurse (R.N.) was recently placed on probation by the Board of Registered Nursing as a result of a conviction for alcohol-related reckless driving.The California administrative law attorneys at San Francisco-based Slote & Links obtained a reversal of disciplinary action and recovered attorney’s fees from the Board of Registered Nursing.(read entire article)(posted on: 2010-10-13)
View : 106 Times