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Divorce Settlements What Is Important To You By: David Stein
The key sections of a well negotiated Marital Settlement Agreement are easy to name and not that difficult to achieve between people of good faith.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-01-12)
View : 149 Times
How To Choose A Divorce Attorney By: David Stein
As a current member of the California Bar, and a former divorce lawyer, I attempt to contribute to my community and routinely volunteer at my local Bar Association as an arbitrator of attorney\client fee disputes.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-01-12)
View : 116 Times
Georgia Mesothelioma Lawyers Help Victims Of Asbestos Exposure By: Meredith Walker
Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer that usually takes 25 to 40 years to develop, but quickly invades the body after it has done so. The Georgia firm of Wallace & Graham include mesothelioma lawyers who have helped clients throughout the country obtain the accurate diagnosis that is vital to verifying the illness and beginning the treatments that can slow its progression and alleviate pain. Some symptoms of mesothelioma are difficulty breathing, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, chronic fatigue, sudden weight loss, and nausea or vomiting.
Asbestos is the only proven cause of mesothelioma. Asbestos is a mineral that was widely used in industrial settings, construction materials, and consumer products. Persons who worked in power plants, chemical refineries, shipyards, and other industrial settings have suffered most from mesothelioma. Asbestos was prevalent for many decades, and millions of persons came into contact with the material, including electricians, auto mechanics, and military personnel. Additionally, there were thousands of different products that contained asbestos, which means many persons far removed from industrial jobs were put at risk.
Asbestos litigation is a major focus of the mesothelioma lawyers of Wallace & Graham. Speed is critical in a mesothelioma lawsuit. And it is crucial for a mesothelioma lawyer to guide a victim of this illness through the complex legal process. The first priority of Wallace & Graham, P.A. is getting clients the medical help they need. The firm also seeks to hold accountable the corporations or employers responsible for asbestos exposure. In many Georgia cases, our clients were exposed to asbestos because of the negligence of employers in chemical plants, oil refineries, and factories.
The mesothelioma lawyers at Wallace & Graham have brought asbestos lawsuits in jurisdictions throughout the country, and we are committed to helping clients get the compensation they deserve. The firm's lawyers sit down with the client and family members and discuss their life and work history. We use photo albums, family stories, former co-workers and our own databases to find out where the exposures occurred. This information is used to demonstrate the liability of a particular company or employer. Our mesothelioma lawyers analyze the diagnostic and treatment records to establish the link between asbestos exposure and the client's cancer, and they calculate the long-term costs of health care treatment.
The statute of limitations, grounds for filing claims, available damages and caps on non-economic damages are different from state-to-state. The firm works with local counsel to file the lawsuit in the right jurisdiction. And it vigorously pursues financial remuneration, which may include workers' compensation, product liability, premises liability, and Social Security, or Veterans Administration benefits.
Sadly, many of the victims of asbestos exposure die before realizing the outcome of a legal proceeding. However, family and friends of such victims should know that the mesothelioma lawyers at Wallace & Graham will continue the lawsuit as a wrongful death action on behalf of the estate. Our lawyers have experience throughout the Southeast. Whether it is a Mesothelioma Lawyer Georgia or a mesothelioma lawyer South Carolina, we are dedicated to seeing our clients get justice to the fullest extent possible, even in the unfortunate event of a client's passing away.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-01-12)
View : 97 Times
A Truck Accident Lawyer In Los Angeles Could Claim Compensation By: Yone Marroquin
Thousands die or get injured from car accidents annually. This article will help determine how motorists can easily claim vehicular insurance - hiring a car accident attorney in Los Angeles is a start.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-01-12)
View : 178 Times
Car Accident Help From A Personal Injury Lawyer By: Alejandro Padua
No one ever plans on being involved in a car accident, but it happens frequently and if you have been injured because of the fault of another party, it is wise not to speak with anyone until you have contacted a personal injury lawyer.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-01-12)
View : 257 Times
Getting Advice From Arlington Bankruptcy Attorneys About Life After Bankruptcy By: supriyo banerjee
Filing for bankruptcy can be emotionally draining, but it does not have to be the end of a person's financial life. Following tips from Arlington bankruptcy attorneys can help people re-establish themselves and come out good as new when the bankruptcy is over.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-01-12)
View : 303 Times
Check Out Your Matrimonial Problem Commonly Faced In Our Country By: David Hopes
If you are just married and find that your husband is a violent person who beats you and abuses you or makes demands of dowry. You have not told any body about it for fear of repercussions and the emotion trauma that it may cause your parents and family.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-01-12)
View : 195 Times
Good Reasons To Hire The Representation Of A Car Accident Attorney By: Elizabeth Atkinson
Knowing the law is a very first step to a productive civil case, especially roadside damages. The experience of a highly trained car accident attorney can easily allow affected individuals deal with any problems that happen as a result of traffic accidents.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-01-12)
View : 102 Times
Divorce Lawyer - How To Make A Precise Selection By: Jewell Grant
A divorce can simply be defined as a decision made by the couple for separation and giving an end to their marriage.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-01-12)
View : 111 Times
Fight Home Insurance Companies' Attempts To Underpay Or Deny Your Claim By: Lou Gutierrez
Do not let your home insurance company underpay you organize your rightful claim. Contact to see how we can help you fight back and get the maximum compensation that you deserve.(read entire article)(posted on: 2012-01-12)
View : 100 Times