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Archived Articles about Internet Marketing
Resurfacing From An Overload Of Choices By: Charen Smith
In the world today, technology has played a very significant role in the business realm. Computers are widely used to store records, databases and other important information.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-04-01)
View : 206 Times
Master Listening To Keywords By: Richard Runion
On the internet, potential customers employ SEs to procure their needs. They type in specific keywords to illustrate what they plan to buy. Each keyword, in Dr. Livingstone's opinion, conceals a buyer's request to a seller. Listening to a keyword, you attempt to unravel the secret. When a person searches for something in your particular niche, revealing the hidden secret will help decide whether you are able to sell your product or service, effectively. It does this by helping you understand the buyer's mind.
Richard J. Runion invites you to view several hours of Dr. Glenn's FREE MP3 AUDIO training on "How To Double (or even Triple) Your Current Business AND Successfully Enter New Markets With Virtually No Risk Using Step By Step, Laser-Precise, Virtually Fail-Proof Market Research". Very useful to experts and beginners. Read his blogs on niche internet marketing, at: , and internet marketing at: .(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-31)
View : 219 Times
Why Your Brand And Design Should Work Together By: Charen Smith
Your design is essentially what helps you achieve your goals. From your print ads using excellent quality commercial printing, to your online shop and packaging of your products, your design is the one factor that binds all of these elements. It’s what makes your brand easy to understand and relate to because your design reinforces your message in your ads.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-30)
View : 194 Times
Introduction Of Mobile With Ever Slimmer Design By: swornambigai
New mobile technologies have revolutionised the communication world. Java games have given a new and latest feature to the mobile phones. It works on three GSM frequency bands as the name suggests. These frequency bands are 900, 1800 and 1900MHz.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-28)
View : 283 Times
What Your Name Can Do For You By: Charen Smith
The first thing you got to do with your startup advertising campaign is to look for a name. Your name is actually your brand – the one thing that you’ll be remembered and recognized by your target market.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-27)
View : 212 Times
Getting To Know Your Market By: Charen Smith
Most entrepreneurs make a common mistake. Many entrepreneurs encounter the same mistakes as they try to outmaneuver competition in their quest for more profits. By far, the most common mistake these entrepreneurs make is their penchant to create or develop a particular market need when they should be developing something that fits ‘just right.’(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-26)
View : 221 Times
Instant Degrees By: Maurice Levraux
I discovered an easy way to get the degree I deserve based on my work and life experience.
Maurice Levraux, Bachelor of Internet Marketing. Got my degree by using Instant Degree's fantastic service. Shortly before my Certificate as Google Professional I wanted to bolster my image even more and confirmed it by getting a work experience degree. Any doubts about how successful I had been, ended there and then.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-26)
View : 258 Times
Solid Internet Marketing Strategy By: Tsuyoshi Suzuki
People are taking more and more to the internet marketing these days. Lack of understanding and old thinking has long cost small business owners their competitive edge and despite a steady stream of research proving the effectiveness of online marketing, yet again,
Tsuyoshi E. Suzuki is an Expert Internet Marketer. Making money easy. Use this web traffic generator, you can get very targeted visitors to any kind of websites for FREE! Making money internet Now! entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-26)
View : 283 Times
It’s All About Your Customers By: Charen Smith
The good thing about traveling nowadays is the fact that you do not feel like traveling anymore. You can now while away your time by watching movies, playing a game, learning a language, through in-flight entertainment.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-24)
View : 212 Times
Break Your Market Down Into Niches By: Charen Smith
Most expert marketers would tell you that in order for you to have an effective marketing campaign for your business you need to find your own niche market. It means that you don’t send your ad by an excellent quality color printing firm to just about anyone. Target marketing means focusing your attention on a particular niche market and then aiming your ad and your message to appeal to that particular group.(read entire article)(posted on: 2008-03-24)
View : 218 Times