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Archived Articles about Internet Marketing
Article Marketing Basics And Benefits By: Jamie Hanson
Article marketing is a great, low-cost way to get the word out about your business and/or website. There are many different article directories to which you may submit your articles. And while they are all free to submit to, the cost is going to be your time.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-02)
View : 342 Times
Different Ways To Make Money Besides Ebay By: Sean Watson
There are plenty of ways to make money besides eBay using a computer and a little ingenuity, here we will cover what they are.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-02)
View : 52 Times
Search Engine Optimization Seo Is E-mail Campaigns And Advertising Banners By: Paul Anndy
Many people who are new to internet marketing think that search engine optimization is one solution to insufficient traffic. Search engine optimization, or SEO for short, for more detail go to: actually a package of multiple services that help drive traffic to web sites.
In a nutshell, SEO covers the following aspects: respect for search engines and their rules, design of a web site, various components of internet marketing (pay-per-click ads, promotions, for more detail go to: blogs, newsletters, catalogs), article submission (fresh content is imperative), reciprocal links, keyword purchase, and if you're selling a product or service on a large scale basis, your internet marketing should also have affiliates.
Other services that go under search engine optimization are web site design, payment facilities, e-mail campaigns and advertising banners.
Given these multiple services, you need a company that offers one-stop shopping. About 10 years ago, SEO companies focused on only a few core activities of internet marketing, obliging web site owners and retailers to contact different companies for web site design, advertising, and payment facilities. Today, successful SEO companies are offering complete packages, providing extra services that will make the e-commerce experience of a web site owner smoother and more efficient. In addition to web site design and domain registration, SEO companies also offer copywriting and article submission services; they realize that when surfers are looking to buy a particular product or service, they need to feel that they are buying from a company that knows their product and shares useful, practical information.
Instead of defining search engine optimization in an academic way which is rather limiting, we will mention some elements that constitute good SEO practice:
Using of appropriate keywords in individual web pages
Getting your site listed in the indexes and lists of search engines and directories
Creating web pages that search engines like Google and MSN can read and won't penalize
Avoid search engine penalties by adhering to guidelines provided by major search engines.
Building pages that will attract more traffic
Monitoring how your web site is doing vs. your competitors
Encouraging other web sites to link to your web site
Now someone might argue, "I know what I want to sell and know how to sell it, so why should I even bother about search engine optimization when I have a nice web site and a catalog that people can look at?"
This statement is an accurate reflection of a "newbie" in internet marketing. Just because one has a web site and a product to sell does not mean he will sell that product and start making money.
First he needs customers. Where does he get customers? Sure, his family and friends can help by announcing to their network of contacts that he has a web site. But there are millions of web sites vying for the same traffic. The reason SEO should be our # 1 concern is that we won't be able to do any effective advertising online if there are no people. Second, search engines are the greatest single source of people; your potential customers.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-02)
View : 272 Times
How Internet Marketing The Best Place To Spend Your Marketing Dollars? By: Paul Anndy
A friend sat me down recently and asked me to explain what Internet marketing is. In one respect, it's marketing your site by getting exposure, but in another respect, it means using the Internet to help people find the site--what we call search engine marketing.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-02)
View : 277 Times
Internet Marketing Programs And Affiliate Opportunities By: Paul Anndy
Internet marketing programs and affiliate opportunities have enabled millions of marketers to become entrepreneurs. Many have made millions, and some have spent just about as much funding our friends who sell keyword advertising.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-02)
View : 266 Times
How Internet Marketing Business Is A Greatest Opportunity For Success By: Paul Anndy
The benefit of joining a great support forum for people who are starting out in the internet marketing business is priceless. One thing that people just don't realize when they decide to take their home business online is that there's a lot more to it than meets the eye.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-02)
View : 245 Times
Targeted And Effective Marketing On The Net By: Paul Anndy
Why bother with web marketing if you're only interested in clients in your community? There are quite a few good reasons and we will answer them here.
This is the question many business owners and independent professionals have because they see the internet as only being important if you are interested in national or international business. For more info login to: nothing could be further from the truth. Targeted and effective marketing on the net is very possible in several different venues. Below, I will discuss these.
1. Your website-this is probably not a concept that is debated much but is worth discussing. The website is it an attraction tool that you can drive potential clients to within your local market. The site can be customized to your local market with information that pertains to the local market and has resources that are available in the area.
2. A Blog-this can also be slanted in the direction of your local area as it is a forum for you to discuss just about anything that either touches on your business or helps prospective prospects get to know you as a person. You can utilize all types of local references including comments about issues in your town or providing information about resources that are available. You can use keywords and optimization to drive local businesses to you when they are seeking information that is oriented to your area of expertise.
3. Social networking-many social networking sites allow you to add a local flavor or to connect with people within your city your community. You can even develop a form on many sites that would be mainly for other businesses and prospects in your area. Several of these sites even give you the chance to develop a forum which again could be oriented to a specific area.
4. Articles and Press Releases-while these can be more difficult to target there are opportunities to mention that you have events or services within a specific city or town or state. If you mention this within your articles and press releases they can be viewed by local visitors who are searching within your specialty.
Finally, if you can bring traffic from other areas outside of your core, you can develop alliances and affiliates who will be glad to handle that business and pay you a percentage of the revenue. For more info login to :www.ultimate-internet-marketing-tricks.comMy philosophy is that if you can become a "rainmaker" no matter where that might be you can find competent business owners or professionals who can handle that service and pay you passive income.
I encourage you not to ignore internet marketing because of worries over creating business outside of your local market. Focused properly, you can clearly message in a way that will drive the type of audience you are looking for.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-02)
View : 258 Times
Lucrative List Building With The Help Of Squeeze Page! By: Paul Anndy
Most internet marketing professionals agree that if you don’t have a list, then you don’t really have a business. Building a lucrative list is essential to your success. A customer list is the greatest asset of any business. In internet marketing, your customer list is your personal gold mine.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-02)
View : 270 Times
Pligg Submitter By: jase gee
nabstract(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-01)
View : 3091 Times
Financial Freedom Is A Choice: Bu T How Badly Do You Want It? By: Hervin Balfour
Many people in this world want to become wealthy but very few do anything to actually become wealthy. That's why only 2% in the world are wealthy. Here is a straight to the point understanding of what it will take to become part of that 2%.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-01-01)
View : 257 Times