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Archived Articles about Health and Medical
Melanotan Can Give You The Best Tan Without All Of The Fuss By: reiko pena
If you want a healthy and attractive tan the options are not without their drawbacks. Prolonged exposure to harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from sitting in the sunshine all day trying to ensure that every part of you is exposed to the light is the traditional route, or more recently you can try artificial tans.(read entire article)(posted on: 2013-02-19)
View : 269 Times
Advice From Colorado Springs Cosmetic Dentists: 18 Habits That Ruin Teeth, Part 1 By: Michele Johnson
This two-part article series exposes 18 habits and indulgences that could be ruining the health of your teeth and gums.(read entire article)(posted on: 2013-02-19)
View : 130 Times
Stressed Out? By: David Durham
This article highlights how mismanaging excess stress in our lives can lead to complex health issues which are difficult to diagnose accurately and to treat effectively.(read entire article)(posted on: 2013-02-19)
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The Silver Spring Dentist Talks About Teeth Whitening Treatments By: Rud Thomasson
Teeth whitening is a wonderful quick and easy treatment that can be done to remove the appearance of staining and discoloration, making your smile appear years younger.(read entire article)(posted on: 2013-02-19)
View : 117 Times
How To Improve Your Blood Circulation Through Hydrotherapy By: Marlin Bordner
The best therapy to remove your body toxin or Constipation remedies is Contrast Hydrotherapy. By this therapy you can enable your body to heal naturally and at the same time it is highly helpful to improve your immunity system which will help your body to cure tiny injuries.(read entire article)(posted on: 2013-02-19)
View : 44 Times
5 Critical Icd-10 Conversion Pitfalls And How To Avoid Them By: jvionhealth health
As healthcare providers migrate to the new system, they will inevitably find that they have to deal with new and sometimes unexpected challenges. Some of the most important ICD-10 codes implementation risks that need to be addressed include cash flow disruptions, proper tracking of claims.(read entire article)(posted on: 2013-02-19)
View : 67 Times
Get Brazilian Hair Weave Online To Flaunt Any Hairstyle By: Jannifer Mason
Hair attachments have indeed been very popular from the 17th century, mainly as a fashion statement, but their origins could be traced back to the earliest Egyptian civilizations.(read entire article)(posted on: 2013-02-19)
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Controlling High Blood Pressure With Natural Cures By: Mona Mark
The blood vessels in the human body have some vascular pressure which is actually the force exerted by the blood circulation on their walls. This pressure of the circulating blood decreases as the blood moves down to arteries, arterioles, capillaries and veins.(read entire article)(posted on: 2013-02-19)
View : 121 Times
How Aware You Are While You Have Decided To Go For Dental Implants By: Gautam Sur
Dental implants are the good solutions for missing tooth. But before you can go for a surgery to implant the tooth, you must know a few facts. Is the gum is strong enough to implement the artificial tooth, how quality is the material used. Here are such few suggestions to note.(read entire article)(posted on: 2013-02-19)
View : 41 Times
Hospitals In India Planning New Technologies! By: maaya mehta
Medical facility is a vital part of a well established country. While investigating on my next article which is about the list of hospitals in India, I came across the fact that India has several hospitals which are available 24* 7 at your service and offer top class assistance to the patients.(read entire article)(posted on: 2013-02-19)
View : 235 Times