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Archived Articles about Family
Solutions To Illiteracy Discussed On Blogtalkradio By: Red Wiseman
If you happened to catch Joanie Winberg's Blog Talk Radio episode ( last week you would have been totally enlightened and entertained by Children's Author TIna Turbin, Tina is the author of the Danny the Dragon ( series as well as a writer for many magazines. The show began with a discussion about Tina's desire to write, from her first book at age 16 to getting married at 20 and having three kids and now, with all the children moved out and on their own, Tina has been able to come back full circle to her writing and the arts.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-03)
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List Of Small Dog Breeds By: Kenny Leones
Some families, women and kids prefer to have small dogs because they are convenient to take when traveling. The shih tzu, chihuahua and pug are the common examples of these toy dogs.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-03)
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It's Not That Difficult To Discover A Quality Rv Generator For Your Rv By: Frank Froggatt
It really isn't that difficult to find an RV generator for your RV is of quality. With all of the different online retailers and wholesalers to choose from, you can find yourself a really good deal on a new generator without having to search too difficult.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-03)
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The Pros And Cons Of Having A Debt Management Plan By: J.J. Yong
A Debt Management Plan is specially designed to assist people who are drowned in debt to solve their financial issues. Besides, it is also considered a good solution to prevent people from going through formal insolvency procedures, i.e. declaring bankruptcy.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-03)
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Deaf Children Listen To Tina Turbin's Danny The Dragon Children's Book By: Red Wiseman
Tina Turbin (, author and humanitarian, recently brought her children's book Danny the Dragon Meets Jimmy to Blossom Montessori School for the Deaf ( for a special day of reading and fun and to encourage a group of kids who have less opportunity than other children. Blossom Montessori School is unique in that they use the Montessori curriculum is the starting point and then add processes, materials and methodologies suited to meet each individual child's needs.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-03)
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Do's And Don'ts About Student Debt Consolidation By: J.J. Yong
For many fresh graduates, college student loan consolidation is one of the best financial solutions for those who are unable to make payment, especially when the economy is bad and the unemployment rate is high. Here are some dos and don'ts that you need to bear in mind before making decision for student debt consolidation.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-02)
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Cards Of Distinction! By: Jesse Jones
Every single day of the year, there is someone, somewhere celebrating their birthday. Phew, could you imagine all the presents you'd have to buy and the cards?! Just as well you don't know millions of people, eh?(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-02)
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An Anniversary Tale Of Evolving Gifts By: Jesse Jones
Once upon a time, marriage was seen as the 'be all' and 'end all' of family life. Heaven forbid if you were of a certain age and hadn't taken a trip down the aisle (I mean, what would the neighbours say?!) Well, times and traditions have changed, 'living in sin' as it was once put is now part of and seen as, the norm for a lot of couples these days.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-02)
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Create Green Energy For Your Home By: P.Rodgers
There is no better feeling knowing that you are generating your own electricity with something you made yourself, and helping the environment in the process. There are many forms of alternative energy; wind and solar power are by far the most common and easiest solutions for the average homeowner.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-02)
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Energizing Your Bedroom With A Good Bedroom Furniture By: Jane Williams
How does one spice up a regular bedroom. One can mix and match fabrics of the bed with the wallcoverings. Or put picture frames on top of a piece of furniture. But without a doubt the most impressive choice of dressing up a bedroom is putting in some great looking bedroom furniture.
Having a great set of elaborately designed furniture can dictate the look and ambiance in the room. The bedroom need not be big or well painted to look good.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-02)
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