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Archived Articles about Family
Are Debt Settlement Companies Taking Advantage Of You? By: J.J. Yong
During financial crisis, you can see many advertisements that promote debt settlement companies and their services in the market. It is always indicated in the advertisements that this program is able to pull people in debt out from the financial hardship. How true is this statement? No doubt by getting assistance from professional consultants may help you to solve your debt issues in a proper manner. However, there are some facts you need to know before you really sign up a debt settlement plan.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-23)
View : 228 Times
The Key Tips To Improve One's Credit Score By: J.J. Yong
The so-called credit score systems which are used to assess the creditability for their borrowers differ between different lenders, and for different products. This is because different companies have their own criteria to define these credit score. If you are rejected by one of the lender, it does not mean that you will surely get rejected by the rest. So this is one positive side of it.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-23)
View : 188 Times
Effective Ways To Stay Out From Credit Card Debt By: J.J. Yong
Credit card debts are currently financial fears to many people in United States. Repaying these debts seems to be a very challenging task. In order to stay with a zero balance on your card statement, there are some practical ways you need to follow.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-23)
View : 214 Times
Talk To The Wrist Because That's Where The Phone Is At, By: Jesse Jones
Find Me A Gift kits you out with a talk time piece of James Bond style gadgetry! is an online gift company based in the Midlands. Here, you can spy an intriguing world of gifts, gadgets and gizmos suitable for all.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-23)
View : 171 Times
Does Volunteer Work Extend Life? By: Red Wiseman
An advocate of community and volunteer work, humanitarian Tina Turbin ( says, "People should engage in volunteer work. If people could give a little more of their time with expecting nothing in return, really giving from the heart, they will reap rewards that they didn't expect."(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-23)
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What Parents Can Do To Counteract Media Violence By: Mark Arens
A 2006 study proved that children being exposed to media violence is positively related to subsequent aggressive behavior, aggressive ideas, arousal and anger. Young children are especially vulnerable to violence in the media because they learn by observing and imitating, and they are easily impressionable.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-23)
View : 227 Times
Candle Making Wax - Different Types And When To Use Them By: Brian Marley
Candle making has been growing in appreciation recently and the candle wax manufactures have actually been making an attempt to make a more varied selection of waxes to match the ever changing wants of candle makers.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-23)
View : 356 Times
How To Keep A Good Family Finance-00-4027 By: John Dualbank
The plastic can even be a best friend to a happy shopper.
Some people contend that it’s just once a year, so better give what you have.
The strategic solution in order for budgeting to be successful is inflexibility as well as flexibility;(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-23)
View : 152 Times
Is Debt Settlement Your Financial Solution? By: J.J. Yong
In the point of view of many financial experts, debt settlement is not really right for most people. In fact, it can be considered a "niche solution" for those people who are heavily in debt. It may also be suitable for those who have already contemplated bankruptcy as their way out. If your outstanding balances are not huge, settlement plan can be an additional financial burden for you.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-23)
View : 196 Times
Why Should I Consolidate My Student Loans? By: J.J. Yong
For a college graduate who is currently unemployed, it is really stressful for him or her to manage multiple student loans that have come due at the same time. To overcome this financial hardship, loan consolidation may be an enticing option. If you need more cash in your pocket right now, consolidating your loans can help to extend the life of your loan repayment and thus trimming your monthly payments.(read entire article)(posted on: 2009-09-23)
View : 197 Times