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Ath M50 Headphones

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By Author: carina coronel
Total Articles: 224
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Sound recording and monitoring is not an easy job to be done. It needs some assistance of high quality machineries as well as various other products that will enhance the quality of recording as monitoring and mixing. In this topic, there are various brands, which are innovating different products everyday to make the work suitable for the people out there. Now, Audio Technica is one of those companies which are producing such high quality machineries. The ATH M50 is such a high quality headphone from the house of Audio Technica. It offers all the quality that a supreme quality headphone must have and that has been the prime feature of Audio Technica headphones for years. ATH M50 provides you maximum isolation, a complete natural response of sound and most of all it has been highly designed with the SPM (Sound and Performance Lab) technologies. All these make the use of this headphone much effective than the others on the market. The propriety large aperture drivers make the sound transfer much easier in this ATH M50 headphone with the presence of neodymium magnet systems. The aperture is of 45 mm, which is really big with respect ...
... such other headphones available in the market.

This headphone is very easy to store as well, because of the collapsible design present in it. The adjustable padded headband helps you to control its length and thus it becomes easier to use at the time of long time sound recording and mixing events. ATH M50 possesses a closed back cushioned air cup which will provide the maximum noise isolation from the surroundings. It has a single sided coiled cable which terminates to a gold plated mini plug that is included with a 6.3 mm screw on adaptor. Now, with all these features on the hand, you may think that this headphone may cost very much, but this not true at all. The cost of this headphone is $199.99 US only, and if you buy it from online stores, then you will surely get a high amount of discounts offered to you. Above all, you should not worry about the quality and performance of the ATH M50 headphone as it comes from the house of Audio Technica, which is a leading brand in sound recording and mixing industry since 1962. So, if you are planning for a sound record or, mixing, and want a supreme quality headphone in your bag, then go for this ATH M50, as it will never let you down.

Audio Technica ATH M50 boasts the latest improvement in headphones that every music lover will like. If you want to know more about ATH M50, go to http://www.bestdjsheadphones.com/audio-technica-ath-m50/.

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